Health & Medical Anxiety

Anxiety Medication Side Effects - Drugs For Anxiety Attacks

If you suffer from anxiety disorders, such social or separation anxiety or even a generalized anxiety disorder, your physician may prescribe you drugs to alleviate anxiety symptoms.
Although medication may relieve anxiety attack symptoms it will not cure the underlying cause and consequently is not suited as a long-term solution.
Anxiety medication side effects and their safety may greatly concern you, especially the risk of addiction.
This is why it is important to research your options, weight up the pros and con's, consider lifestyle changes and other therapies, to allow you to make an informed decision about your anxiety treatment.
The advantage of treating anxiety without drugs is that treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy bring lasting changes and therefore long term relief.
However if anxiety disorders are severe they may interfere with therapy, and require medication in the short term to get anxiety symptoms under control and prevent anxiety attacks.
As soon as anxiety attack symptoms are under control, and your anxiety is at a more manageable level, other types of talk and behavior therapy can be used successfully.
Any of the following anxiety drugs can be a prescribed medication for anxiety: Xanax is a benzodiazepine, a tranquillizer similar to Valium, buy it does not stay in the system as long and effects can wear off within four hours.
Common side effects include salivation, dizziness, constipation, and lack of concentration, tiredness, changes in sexual desire and weight changes.
However there can be more serious anxiety medication side effects, such as severe allergic reactions, confusion, hallucinations, mood changes, muscle twitching, yellowing of the eyes and skin, and blistered or peeling skin.
If you have any of these side affects, you should seek medical attention immediately.
Dosulepin is a depression medication that can help if you are having problems sleeping, or have no appetite.
Brands include Prepadine, Prothiaden and Dothapax.
It will not be prescribed during pregnancy, or if you have some other specific health problems, but your physician will be able to advise you on this.
Common side effects of this anxiety drug are blurred vision, difficulty passing water, palpitations, skin rashes, increased appetite and weight gain, sweating blurred vision, sexual problems and breast enlargement or nipple discharge.
More serious anxiety medication side effects that you should report include, jaundice, pallor, incontinence, fever, stiff muscles and loss of consciousness.
Other drugs and depression medication prescribed for anxiety include Zoloft, Effexor, Fluoxetine, Prozac, Alprazolam and Lexapro and your physician will be able to keep you well informed about benefits and possible anxiety medication side effects.
All drugs are thoroughly researched and tested with various trials before being made available on prescription, but occasionally you read bad press regarding one of these, as in the case of Paxil medication.
Paxil also known as Aropax, Seroxat, Paroxetine, Parotin, Rexetin, ParoMerck and Xetanor is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant, which was released in 1992 by GlaxoSmithKline.
By 2006 it was the fifth most prescribed antidepressant in the USA.
Concerns over the possible anxiety medication side effects of suicidal ideation, and withdrawal syndrome have resulted in legal proceeding against the manufacturer.
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