- 1). Inside the "Start" menu, go into your "Accessories" folder.
- 2). Select the "Command Prompt" icon and a black box will appear with a white flashing cursor. It usually has some type of a Documents and Settings label before it.
- 3). At the cursor, type "ipconfig" and press the "Enter" button on your keyboard. Your IP address will appear on the right next to the "IP Address" label.
- 4). Click on the "X" at the top right to close the Command Prompt box.
- 1). Open your Internet Browser. This is generally Internet Explorer (IE), Firefox or Opera.
- 2). Click inside the address bar (the box at the top that has the website address of your homepage) and erase everything after "http://".
- 3). Enter the website of an IP identifier, such as getmyipaddress.org or whatismyip.com (see Resources for links), and press "Enter" on your keyboard.
- 4). The website will automatically discover and reveal your IP address on the page that is displayed.
Using Your Own Computer
Using a Website