- 1). Prepare your potting soil. Alpine plants require quick-draining conditions with plenty of circulation. Mix equal parts of compost, grit or fine gravel, and vermiculite with a shovel to construct your potting soil.
- 2). Fill your pots to within 1/2 inch of the top with your potting soil. Sprinkle your seeds thinly onto the compost.
- 3). Sprinkle more of the grit or fine gravel over your seeds. The grit layer should only be about three to four millimeters (1/8 inch) deep.
- 4). Water the seeds from above, using a watering can that cuts the water into a fine spray. Do not overwater the seeds.
- 5). Water the seeds again, using a mixture of water and copper fungicide to prevent fungal diseases. Follow manufacturer instructions for mixing the fungicide.
- 6). Set the pot outside to get sun and rain until germination.
- 7). Move the pot to a more protected area once the seeds sprout. Keep the new plants in a spot where they're protected from strong winds, extremely cold temperatures, or extremely hot sunshine. They should still receive plenty of sunlight.