Health & Medical sports & Exercise

3 Reasons Why Exercise Needs to Be Part of Your Daily Routine If You Want to Lose Weight Fast

THREE REASONS THAT YOU NEED EXERCISE There are three main reasons that you need exercise to be an integral part of your life.
Exercise helps you lose weight You can go on an x, y or z diet and you may even lose weight on it.
But the weight loss means that the skin will get loose and you will lose muscle tone as well.
And when you do stop your diet and go back to your 'normal' foods, you will put on even more weight than before.
An exercise regime will help you lose weight faster while still helping your muscle tone.
If you are only 20 pounds overweight, you can lose the weight through diet alone, but most of it will be water weight that is lost.
Plus you will have to be eating much less than before.
Whereas, if you combine exercise with diet, your calorie expenditure will come through eating less and also expending more calories through exercise.
The result - a slim and fit body in a shorter period of time.
Exercise helps keep illness at bay Regular exercise increases immunity and keep you from falling prey to irritating illnesses like colds, coughs and headaches.
Cardiovascular and aerobic exercises also keep your heart fit and working in optimum condition.
It also helps a great deal in lowering bad cholesterol levels, diabetes, high blood pressure and aids in digestive disorders.
Exercise has beneficial effects against deadly diseases like stroke and cancer as well.
As exercise increases the feel good endorphins in the brain, it helps in lowering stress levels as well as the physical and mental problems associated with increased stress, including depression and anxiety and phobias.
Exercise helps you look good Exercise make you sweat and a good work out opens the pores.
It does wonders for your skin and so helps you actually look good.
Exercise also helps in building collagen and makes you look younger, slowing the onset of wrinkles.
And when you look good you get compliments which boost your self esteem.
When you exercise outdoors whether it is in the morning or evening you are getting even more benefits.
The fresh air does you a world of good and helps your lungs breathe better, clearing out the toxins.
If you are out in the morning or afternoon the sunlight helps you not only get a glow on your face (but do use a good sunscreen) but also helps your body assimilate Vitamin D from the sun, thus contributing to bone health.
So what are you waiting for? Incorporate exercise into your life today - don't wait for tomorrow.
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