Health & Medical Parenting

Itchy Gums

Babies are known to start teething at ages as early as three months. Most babies have their first tooth emerge between 6-8 months and they usually come in pairs. The Bottom teeth should show first but sometimes the top teeth steal the show. If you notice your baby trying to nibble her hand off or trying to bite the head off his/her favorite rattle toy, this could be the first warning sign of itchy gums, which could be a sign of teething. Irritability, diarrhea, and vomiting are other symptoms that I noticed in my daughter when she started to teeth. I also noticed that she would become really moody and cry non-stop when her teeth started to break through the gums, and deservingly so with the pain associated with it.

There are many different things you could give your baby to help soothe the gums. Most major shopping centers carry different teething toys in all sorts of variety, including the famous teething ring. One thing I did that worked great for my daughter was to take one of her hand mittens and put a piece of ice in it and tie it off. She loved this so much and actually preferred it better over the traditional toys.

You could also try gum medication like Orajel. If you do not feel safe doing this you could also try some of the all-natural gels. You can find different brands and alternatives at your local drug store. I know Hylands is a well known "homeopathic" or all-natural teething gel you can find at your local pharmacy. Just know that if you do decide to go the natural way the price does go up.

Just be sure to keep Tylenol on hand just in case a fever breaks out, and pedialite in case baby starts to vomit a lot.

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