Loud snoring is often shown in a comical way.
But try sharing the same bed with a repeat snorer, it can be an absolute nightmare.
In a few extreme cases snoring has been cited as a reason for divorce.
A Few Statistics 40% of middle aged men snore.
The ratio between men and women is about 2-1 with the gap closing after menopause.
85% of snorers exceed 38 decibels of sound, about the same as light traffic, However it's been recorded at 93 decibels about the level of a chainsaw.
Snore Treatment There are different ways to tackle this problem from surgery and the use of lasers, to physical apparatus like a nose strip and breathing equipment.
But the simplest and in most cases effective snore treatment is a combination of a few simple exercise and a healthy diet.
Things To Cut Out Giving up smoking for so many health reason would be a great place to start.
Smoking causes irritation of the nasal lining and the throat .
Alcohol is another thing to cut out or at least reduce.
Been a depressant causes muscles to relax which in turn can cause snoring Being overweight or living on a diet of fatty foods can cause a build up of fatty tissue around the throat that restricts the air flow which results in the soft palate vibrating.
Things You Can Do As you will have gathered an effective natural snore treatment is a combination of things Diet There is no-end of information on the Internet about dieting and sensible eating and it's not the point of this article, but basically you are striving for a healthy balance between carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats Eating before you go to bed is a bad idea as the undigested food can add pressure to your diaphragm resulting in snoring.
So eat a good few hours before bed leaving enough time to digest the food.
Drinking milk before going to bed is also a bad idea as this causes mucus that lines the throat narrowing the air ways making it more difficult to breath Something you could try is honey.
Some research suggests that it has properties that could help keep the airways clear.
Try a couple of spoonfuls in a mug of tea an hour or so before you retire.
Exercise In sleep muscles have a tendency to relax, this includes your soft palate which can partially block your airways.
So try these exercises: Pucker your lips for 20 seconds then relax repeat this 15-20 times.
Try an exaggerated smile.
Hold, then relax.
The tongue can also become too relaxed blocking the airways so try strengthening it by pushing your tongue out to full stretch and hold, or push it out and try to touch your chin (needless to say best to do these exercises on our own, or explain to your household what you are doing first.
) There are specialized exercises that are guaranteed to stop snoring for good.
But try sharing the same bed with a repeat snorer, it can be an absolute nightmare.
In a few extreme cases snoring has been cited as a reason for divorce.
A Few Statistics 40% of middle aged men snore.
The ratio between men and women is about 2-1 with the gap closing after menopause.
85% of snorers exceed 38 decibels of sound, about the same as light traffic, However it's been recorded at 93 decibels about the level of a chainsaw.
Snore Treatment There are different ways to tackle this problem from surgery and the use of lasers, to physical apparatus like a nose strip and breathing equipment.
But the simplest and in most cases effective snore treatment is a combination of a few simple exercise and a healthy diet.
Things To Cut Out Giving up smoking for so many health reason would be a great place to start.
Smoking causes irritation of the nasal lining and the throat .
Alcohol is another thing to cut out or at least reduce.
Been a depressant causes muscles to relax which in turn can cause snoring Being overweight or living on a diet of fatty foods can cause a build up of fatty tissue around the throat that restricts the air flow which results in the soft palate vibrating.
Things You Can Do As you will have gathered an effective natural snore treatment is a combination of things Diet There is no-end of information on the Internet about dieting and sensible eating and it's not the point of this article, but basically you are striving for a healthy balance between carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats Eating before you go to bed is a bad idea as the undigested food can add pressure to your diaphragm resulting in snoring.
So eat a good few hours before bed leaving enough time to digest the food.
Drinking milk before going to bed is also a bad idea as this causes mucus that lines the throat narrowing the air ways making it more difficult to breath Something you could try is honey.
Some research suggests that it has properties that could help keep the airways clear.
Try a couple of spoonfuls in a mug of tea an hour or so before you retire.
Exercise In sleep muscles have a tendency to relax, this includes your soft palate which can partially block your airways.
So try these exercises: Pucker your lips for 20 seconds then relax repeat this 15-20 times.
Try an exaggerated smile.
Hold, then relax.
The tongue can also become too relaxed blocking the airways so try strengthening it by pushing your tongue out to full stretch and hold, or push it out and try to touch your chin (needless to say best to do these exercises on our own, or explain to your household what you are doing first.
) There are specialized exercises that are guaranteed to stop snoring for good.