Have you ever wanted to ride a motorcycle? Well, for the more gung-ho lot of you, youre probably thinking How hard can it be, right? I mean, youve been holding it down as far as two wheels go since you were knee-high. Piece of cake! Well, reality check folks. Riding a motorcycle requires serious skill. Motorcycle riding calls for a fine balance of skill, grace and even lines. Unlike a bicycle or a car, a motorcycle can go from 0 to 90 in a heartbeat and has no seatbelt or airbags for safety. With a motorcycle, its just you and the open road, with the wind literally at your back. When you ride a motorcycle, the element of danger is ever-present. Knowing the ways to lower your risk will help increase your chances of survival every time you mount your motor.
A motorcycle rider should always be vigilant, in control and confident. When you ride your mind should be present and alert. Do not ride if your emotions are high or youre sick and tired. No, motorcycle riding requires 100% concentration and dedication. Anything less will affect your riding negatively which puts you in great risk. It goes without saying that alcohol consumption is a definite no-no when riding your motor.
Increase your road presence
Every typical motorist on the road is keeping an eye open for moving objects that are the size of other autos. Motorcycles are usually 1/12 the size of a truck so as a rider, you need to make yourself stand out. Just because your headlights are on, do not assume that other drivers can see you. A rule of thumb to follow is to always assume that motorists will do something dumb on the road and expect that.
Wear a helmet
This is the most important lesson in motorcycle riding 101. A helmet protects your head if you get thrown from your bike to the ground. If you value your head, you need to protect it. Not wearing one does not make you cool, it is just plain stupid.
Always wear your gear
In relation to the previous paragraph, protect your skin too. If you fall off your bike, the only thing that may prevent you from getting nasty burns and cuts is the protective gear you wear. Every time you ride, wear a good jacket, pants and gloves made from strong materials that can protect you in a crash.
Keep Practicing
Motorcycle handling is not for the faint-hearted. Learn how to use the brakes effectively by practicing emergency stops in a deserted space until you get the hang of it. Learn how to be a good rider by constantly practicing.
As a newbie motorcycle rider, you will soon come to realize that riding a motorcycle is not as protected as driving a car. And thats OK. As long as you stay alert on the road and keep doing the right things, you will soon come to revel in the thrill and danger associated with riding a motorcycle. So, just get out there and ride!
A motorcycle rider should always be vigilant, in control and confident. When you ride your mind should be present and alert. Do not ride if your emotions are high or youre sick and tired. No, motorcycle riding requires 100% concentration and dedication. Anything less will affect your riding negatively which puts you in great risk. It goes without saying that alcohol consumption is a definite no-no when riding your motor.
Increase your road presence
Every typical motorist on the road is keeping an eye open for moving objects that are the size of other autos. Motorcycles are usually 1/12 the size of a truck so as a rider, you need to make yourself stand out. Just because your headlights are on, do not assume that other drivers can see you. A rule of thumb to follow is to always assume that motorists will do something dumb on the road and expect that.
Wear a helmet
This is the most important lesson in motorcycle riding 101. A helmet protects your head if you get thrown from your bike to the ground. If you value your head, you need to protect it. Not wearing one does not make you cool, it is just plain stupid.
Always wear your gear
In relation to the previous paragraph, protect your skin too. If you fall off your bike, the only thing that may prevent you from getting nasty burns and cuts is the protective gear you wear. Every time you ride, wear a good jacket, pants and gloves made from strong materials that can protect you in a crash.
Keep Practicing
Motorcycle handling is not for the faint-hearted. Learn how to use the brakes effectively by practicing emergency stops in a deserted space until you get the hang of it. Learn how to be a good rider by constantly practicing.
As a newbie motorcycle rider, you will soon come to realize that riding a motorcycle is not as protected as driving a car. And thats OK. As long as you stay alert on the road and keep doing the right things, you will soon come to revel in the thrill and danger associated with riding a motorcycle. So, just get out there and ride!