Health & Medical Women's Health

Self Defense - In This Exclusive Report Find Out Why Women Should Be Selling It

This is a common scene across the Country, isn't it?A big burly guy takes advantage of a 5'2", 100 pound woman in a dark, very early morning rain, as she makes her way home from the graveyard shift.
Will she survive this violent encounter?Could this moment literally lead her to the graveyard?What could make the difference? You could make all the difference in the above situation.
You could save lives.
You could make money at the same time.
Is that embarrassing to you?Making money is not a sin - it's the love of money, not the making of money which should be shameful.
Is self-defense NOT your passion? Are you thinking: "I'm no kung fu-Connie?" That's not what we're talking about here.
We are talking about pepper spray and stun guns.
It's best to be truthful with yourself.
However, you can learn to like revealing defense secrets to women who so desperately need to know them.
And, the more you are like your audience the more you'll help them, and the more you'll sell to them.
In fact, with the Boomer population getting older, you are sitting on an explosive opportunity! If you're an older Boomer?All the better! You can also do this business for the children of the women you teach.
How can you find out if your passion might just be teaching self-defense?Find a woman who's doing it - who's teaching how to use pepper spray and stun guns.
Take notes.
Listen hard.
Give it some time, then decide.
What will you be selling? Proven quality systems which work!Rarely is that true of the cheap substitutes sold in discount stores.
Yes, you'll get a good price for your products.
However, the safety education which will lead to the sales, will be worth the price as a "stand alone" benefit! What is possible? $100,000 a year is possible.
Let's say you're "Revealing Defense Secrets" (for free) to 40 women in a small Comfort Inn conference room.
30 buy from you.
Your average profit per device sold is $30.
30 sales x $30 = $900.
Are you thinking bigger?More women in a room can still be taught by just you on stage.
Let's say 200 attend, and 100 buy - you can do the math here.
How do you get started? 1.
Take one step at time.
Research the products available.
Attend a Defense Training by a person doing exactly what you'll be doing.
Strive to be outstanding if you decide to do this.
So, what should you do next?
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