- Download QuickTime Player for your PC or Mac. If you do not already have a version of QuickTime or need to update the version you do have, visit the website provided in the "Resources" section of this article. Open the program, click the "File" icon on the toolbar, select "Open File", find your AVI file and open it. You can also find your file outside of QuickTime and right-click on it.
Click "File" and select "Export..." This window allows you to choose your export options and to rename your file if needed. Click on the "Export" toolbar near the bottom of the window and choose "Movie to MPEG-4". This is a standard for .mpg file extensions and will output your AVI to an MP4. When you scroll through the list, you'll see that you can export your AVI to other types of files, for future use.
To the right of the "Export" toolbar, try clicking on "Options..." This allows you to change your video's data or bit rate, "image size" or frame rate. You can click on the "Audio" tab to change your audio formats and bit rates. This is useful when exporting for audio editing, as you might need different bit-rates to match your other clips. For generic use, however, it is best to leave these options alone.
When you're done, click "OK" to exit "MPEG-4 Export Settings". Click "Save" to begin your export and compression. Depending on your file size, this may take several minutes.
Converting AVIs to MPGs