- Kwanzan cherries are deciduous rather than evergreen, which means they do not maintain foliage through the winter. Their leaves naturally fall off in autumn as the tree readies for its winter dormancy.
- As deciduous trees, Kwanzan cherries go through a dramatic color change at the end of summer and into fall. Leaves go from dark green in summer to yellow, orange and then copper as they die. New leaves in the spring start as copper, then turn dark green over time.
- Like all trees, Kwanzan cherries require specific care. They do best in areas of full sun and in deep, quick-draining soil. The trees don't need overly rich soil but do best when they get regular waterings.
- If a Kwanzan cherry exhibits yellow leaves in summer, it may be a sign of nutritional deficiencies. Gardeners should fertilizer their Kwanzan cherries every spring with nitrogen-heavy or balanced fertilizer to keep the cherry tree healthy and growing.
The Facts
Yellowing Leaves
Tree Care