Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

How Compatible Are We?

If you were to Google the words compatibility and love, you'd most likely end up with 20 pages of astrology websites. As if all we needed in life was to be certain our stars were aligned with our lover's. Then all would be perfect.
Compatibility is what makes a relationship work. It's what assures us that who we picked is good for us. But what exactly is compatibility?
Perfect harmony isn't a possible goal, though we should shoot at an agreeable relationship so that we can live in treaty with each other. What we need is for the person with whom we would like to spend the remainder of our life with to accept and respect our values.
Each person has a set of core values that he or she lives by. It's those deep-down basic desires that we all carry inside ourselves that must be fulfilled in order for us to be happy. We usually develop our value systems early in life, and get many of them from our parents and family members, and our cultures and faiths. It's what gives us strength and our sense of security. If we are with someone that doesn't respect our values, it can threaten our security, our sense of self and who we are. We lose trust with those that don't accept us for our sentiments.
Then does compatibility mean that we have got to be with someone who shares the very same values? The same likes and dislikes and behaviors? That may appear a harmonious way to live and less cause for discussions, but is it practical? How many people have you met who share the exact same ideas and wants and elements as you do? And what about the old proverb, opposites attract? That's's a great way to learn new things and keep a relationship alive, right? Yeah, and relentless howling matches when you get so annoyed by the insane things your loved-one is doing.
And for someone to accept a worth or a belief, they must also find some merit in its significance. Without it, you'll feel nervous and sad. So his spending will always cause you to feel anxious.
We must be compatible in our relations with others to continue to grow and to be happy. when you are with someone that accepts you and respects your values, even if he or she doesn't share each one of them, you are almost always warranted a successful relationship.

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