- 1). Select a sunny garden location that drains well. Turn the soil to a depth of about 8 inches using a shovel or rototiller. Break up the clumps, and rake the soil level.
- 2). Drop two or three seeds every three to four feet, and cover lightly with soil. If planting seedlings, use your fingers or a hand trowel to create an opening in the soil large enough to hold the plug (soil and plant) from the seedling flat or pot.
- 3). Water lightly after planting. The plant grows easily even in dry conditions and may need watering every 10 days if there is no rainfall.
- 4). Apply about 2 inches of mulch, if desired. Mulch, like leaf mold or pine straw, helps to block weed growth and helps to retain soil moisture.
- 5). Harvest sweet annie in late summer just as the blooms are opening. Cut limbs from the main stem. If reseeding is desired, leaves some limbs to finish blooming and convert to seed.