A woman's bodily function, together with its natural protection against infection has little or no difference at all when compared to those of men, except of course to certain body parts that was designed exclusively for women.
That is why when a virus invasion occurs it is natural for a woman's body to fight back, just like men's.
When it comes to genital herpes, a less-infectious nature of women regarding this matter is very notable.
There is no significant answer up to this moment as to why women may less likely to trigger an infection to its partner.
Regardless of this finding, if a woman already suffers from this kind of infection, it certainly has its effects on them.
Herpes, Women and Pregnancy It is probably one of the truths we do not know that a considerable number of women (20-25%) have this disease.
How they had reached that number is not impossible.
It can be attributed to the clandestine behavior of the virus itself, the ability of the virus to become latent or dormant over a long period of time.
However, it is one only of the many facts about herpes, women and pregnancy.
Here are the other facts of the matter:
The Bottom Line Because of the sensitivity of women regarding these issues, it is advised that proper and continuous protection during sexual intercourse is highly necessitated.
Protecting ourselves against possible infection ofgenital herpes would make us the most happy person in the world.
That is why when a virus invasion occurs it is natural for a woman's body to fight back, just like men's.
When it comes to genital herpes, a less-infectious nature of women regarding this matter is very notable.
There is no significant answer up to this moment as to why women may less likely to trigger an infection to its partner.
Regardless of this finding, if a woman already suffers from this kind of infection, it certainly has its effects on them.
Herpes, Women and Pregnancy It is probably one of the truths we do not know that a considerable number of women (20-25%) have this disease.
How they had reached that number is not impossible.
It can be attributed to the clandestine behavior of the virus itself, the ability of the virus to become latent or dormant over a long period of time.
However, it is one only of the many facts about herpes, women and pregnancy.
Here are the other facts of the matter:
- Even when the expectant mother is diagnosed to have an infection, it is a very atypical instance for the neonate to be infected too.
- The actual number of babies that has acquired an infection from their mothers is less than expected.
The number didn't reach one percent. - A mother infected of the virus before pregnancy is more likely to deliver an uninfected baby because its antibodies that was passed on to the baby during pregnancy will protect the baby from certain infection.
- Contrary to the above-mentioned fact, a woman pregnant all the way to her third trimester and then acquired the virus is the most likely candidate to transfer the infection to her new-born.
It is because of the lack of time to increase antibodies to be passed on to the baby - Even with genital herpes, a woman can still have its normal delivery provided she is not on the process of having flare-ups and she has undergone the strict supervision and examination of a trained medical practitioner.
The Bottom Line Because of the sensitivity of women regarding these issues, it is advised that proper and continuous protection during sexual intercourse is highly necessitated.
Protecting ourselves against possible infection ofgenital herpes would make us the most happy person in the world.