- Racks of t-shirts to choose from.tie-dyed shirts image by Jim Parkin from Fotolia.com
T-shirts are such simple apparel that they readily lend themselves to creativity. If you are clever with a needle, re-purposing old t-shirts will extend their life and get you a new outfit at the same time. Dismantle and re-stitch them in new ways, embroider them or add decorative trim. If sewing is not your thing, you can accomplish interesting effects on new or used t-shirts with fabric paints, iron-on prints, glitter glue or even fake jewels. - Buy two identically sized t-shirts in contrasting colors, and a few yards of t-shirt fabric in a third color that blends well with the t-shirt colors. Carefully remove the sleeves from each and sew them back onto the opposite colored shirt. Cut a piece of the fabric twice the length of the t-shirt's bottom hem. Stitch the ends together, gather the top loosely and stitch the "skirt" to the bottom of the t-shirt. Hem to your desired length. Repeat with the other shirt and you have two colorful t-shirt dresses in very little time.
- Next time you slop wine or squirt mustard onto an otherwise good t-shirt, look at it as an opportunity to be creative. Wash out as much of the stain as possible, then grab some paintbrushes and fabric paints and turn the stain into a masterpiece. No one will know you messed up, and you will have a great new tee. You can find free t-shirt templates and designs on-line.
- If you are trying to outfit several children for a new school year, save money by buying plain white t-shirts in packages rather than printed tees from off the rack. Make each one unique using fabric dyes to color them yourself. Even do some tie-dye with the kids for added fun. When the cloth is dry, let the kids use glitter glue and fabric paints to decorate their own t-shirts.
- For sparkle with a sense of humor, find a transfer photo of a treasure chest or some money bags and iron it on the front of a t-shirt. Buy fake coins and flat-backed plastic gems and glue them in the chest or money bags --- and here and there on the rest of the shirt. It should be good for a laugh at a party. Wash with care, and line dry to keep your treasures from coming loose.
- If you have a ton of old t-shirts clogging your dresser and closet, do not be hasty to throw them out. Cut or tear them into strips and braid the strips together. When you have several large balls of braids, sew them together in strips or coils to make rag rugs. Paint liquid latex --- available in craft stores --- on the back to keep them from slipping on smooth floors.
Turn T-Shirts into Dresses
Creative Stain "Removal"
Back-to-School Money Savers
Make a Treasure Chest
Too Old to Wear? Make Rag Rugs