Business & Finance Blogging

How to Build a Web Site With WordPress

    • 1). Design your website's content. A personal website, for instance, may have a section for your resume, a section for previous work and a section for contact info. A website for a business may have the business's location, customer testimonials and a product list.

    • 2). Download Wordpress from the Wordpress website.. Extract the zip file into its own directory. Create a database on your webserver and add a user to the database; the process will be different for each webserver. Give the user all permissions. Write down the hostname, username and database you receive from the server.

    • 3). Upload the Wordpress directory to your server. The location of the directory will be the root directory for the website. Rename the "wp-config-sample.php" file in the directory to "wp-config.php". Edit the file as provided by Wordpress's documentation, including the database information from Step 2.

    • 4). Install Wordpress by visiting "http://<domain>/<dir>/wp-admin/install.php" with your Web browser, where <domain> is your server's domain name and <dir> is the directory you installed Wordpress in. After that, choose a name for your website and a username and password for the administrator account. Finally, input your email address and click "Install Wordpress."

    • 5). Log in as an administrator to access the administration interface. You can add new content or customize your site's appearance and plug-ins using the menubar to the left, and you can edit your website's title or other important data from the "Settings" tab on the menubar.

    • 6). Choose a theme. Go to the Wordpress themes directory and download the theme you want to install. Unzip and upload it into the "wp-content/themes" directory of your Wordpress installation. Then from the administration interface, click "Appearance" and click on the newly uploaded theme. Visit your website to check the appearance. Some themes have customization options that appear under the "Appearance" menu once you've installed the appearance.

    • 7). Upload content. Wordpress has two main types of content: posts and pages. "Posts" are essentially blog posts organized by date, and "Pages" are individual webpages. Pages show up on the menu bar of the webpage. If you are designing a website, most of the content will come from pages. To create a new page, click "Pages" in the administration sidebar, then click "Add New." Give your page a title and enter content in the given boxes, then click "Publish."

    • 8). Install plug-ins to increase Wordpress functionality. Wordpress plug-ins serve many purposes, from adding a customized menu bar as a Widget to supporting multiple languages and custom CSS for each webpage. To install a plug-in, download and unzip the plug-in, then upload the folder to the "wp-content/plugins" directory. From the Wordpress administration interface, click "Plugins" and click "Activate" under the plug-in you uploaded.

    • 9). Install or uninstall Widgets as needed. Widgets are tools for navigation that can be added to select themes. Select "Widgets" under the "Appearance menu. To add custom widgets, drag the widget bar you want to install to beneath the location where you want it, usually one of the sidebars. To remove them drag the widget bar you want to remove to the main area of the screen. Most of these are only useful for blogs, but some are useful to websites as well, such as the Search bar.

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