- 1). Obtain the correct tools to paint the picture. You'll need green, red, black and white acrylic paints to draw a watermelon, as well as either a picture or a real watermelon to copy onto the canvas. Go to an art shop to pick up your supplies.
- 2). Place the canvas in the easel by securing it between the support brackets. The easel holds the canvas in place so you can paint more easily. Make sure that the canvas is set at chest height.
- 3). Cut the watermelon in half and put it on a table at least 2 feet in front of you. Position it so that the red section is facing you, while the green skin is also visible. Turn it sideways to achieve this. This will give you a more interesting picture.
- 4). Draw a sketch of the watermelon on the canvas. Use light pencil strokes to create the outline of the fruit, and then add basic details, such as the positioning of the pips and the pattern on the skin.
- 5). Put two cups of water on a table next to you, so you can easily reach them. Allocate one for rinsing your brushes, and the other for dipping the clean brush into before mixing the paint.
- 6). Squeeze half a teaspoon of each color paint onto the paint palette. For the first layer, you will need green and red.
- 7). Dip your brush into water, flick it to get rid of the excess moisture, and take a small amount of red paint on the end of the brush.
- 8). Begin filling in the flesh of the watermelon. Follow the areas you laid out using pencil. Look back and forth between the fruit and the canvas and copy what you see onto the canvas.
- 9). Start working on the skin of the watermelon. Repeat Step 7, but rinse your brush in the rinsing cup before you dip it in the green paint. Use small, firm brush strokes to apply the paint.
- 10
Leave the red and green layers to dry. Acrylic paint dries quickly, and further layers of paint can be added on top. These layers will not affect the ones below, unlike watercolor paint. - 11
Add black pips to the flesh of the watermelon, and white stripes to the skin.