- When it comes to designing t-shirts, there are several options available: professional printers, silk-screening, fabric paints, tie-dying, re-crafting and iron-on. Which option is right for you depends on your skill level, time available, budget and the quantity needed.
- Depending on the intended function for the shirt, the choice of medium should match the desired result. If simple advertising is what you're after, then silk-screening may be the best solution; however, if you're looking for a way to exhibit your imaginative style, you should look into complete reconstruction using scissors and thread.
- There are several ways to attach things to a shirt. Iron-on, fabric paint and silk screening are only a few of the ways. Most paper companies offer their own line of iron-on ink-jet shirt materials that can be created at home with your computer. In addition, silk screening at home has just become the new crafting fad with the creation of Provocraft's Yudu machine, which takes creativity to a whole new level.
- If sewing isn't frightening--and you're good with scissors--you should look into Generation T. It shows you step-by-step ways to completely redesign a t-shirt. Check out both the Website and its line of books.
- If you're looking for a line of completely original shirts, consider the classic tie-dye technique, which can be done using a kit or on your own. One of the more popular methods lately in tie-dying is using "green" inks or natural inks to avoid chemicals; for example, brewing tea will give you various shades of brown. Beet juice produces a deep maroon, and berries vary from deep purple to bright pink.