Your heart is thumping, you have gone light in the head and you can not seem to catch your breath.
You are feeling panicky and want to run, but you are afraid that if you do, your heart will stop...
your hands are shaking, and you are sweating hot and cold...
are you having a heart attack, or something else equally sinister? I have just described some of the typical symptoms for a panic attack or an anxiety attack, and if you have experienced these, you know just how scary they are.
The mere fact of starting to dread the possibility of having another attack, can bring them on and increase the frequency of them.
So how do you find a panic cure, something that not only stops them when you have one, but also prevents them from recurring? Unfortunately, what works for one person will not necessarily work for someone else, but the best cure is one that will help you learn how to control your panic attacks, and reducing the frequency over time till they no longer happen.
The first key to your panic cure:- Finding a method or cure that works long term.
You want to find a panic cure that does not just reduce the symptoms of a panic attack but that works continuously long term.
When you go to the doctor they are very likely to prescribe some medication to ease the symptoms, but even they would be reluctant to have you on these medications long term.
What you want to do, is try different products or treatments as you will soon find something that works for you.
When you are looking for your panic cure ask lots of questions, especially of people who have had the same thing and have managed to cure it.
Ask others about what they tried, and what worked and did not work, before trying them yourself.
The second key:- Finding a panic cure is not likely to come in the form of a pill.
Training your mind to cope when a panic attack begins, takes time and a little effort but has proven to be very successful for thousands of sufferers.
As you apply the techniques you have learnt, you will find that the attacks will decrease in frequency and length till one day you will suddenly realise that you have not had one for a long time.
The third key:- Finding the cause of your panic attacks will help short-circuit the cycle of panic attacks.
If you have an overly stressful lifestyle, the panic attacks can be your minds way of telling you something is not right and needs to change.
Are you trying to do too much or are you trying to do something that deep down you really do NOT want to do and therefore creating enormous internal conflict?
You are feeling panicky and want to run, but you are afraid that if you do, your heart will stop...
your hands are shaking, and you are sweating hot and cold...
are you having a heart attack, or something else equally sinister? I have just described some of the typical symptoms for a panic attack or an anxiety attack, and if you have experienced these, you know just how scary they are.
The mere fact of starting to dread the possibility of having another attack, can bring them on and increase the frequency of them.
So how do you find a panic cure, something that not only stops them when you have one, but also prevents them from recurring? Unfortunately, what works for one person will not necessarily work for someone else, but the best cure is one that will help you learn how to control your panic attacks, and reducing the frequency over time till they no longer happen.
The first key to your panic cure:- Finding a method or cure that works long term.
You want to find a panic cure that does not just reduce the symptoms of a panic attack but that works continuously long term.
When you go to the doctor they are very likely to prescribe some medication to ease the symptoms, but even they would be reluctant to have you on these medications long term.
What you want to do, is try different products or treatments as you will soon find something that works for you.
When you are looking for your panic cure ask lots of questions, especially of people who have had the same thing and have managed to cure it.
Ask others about what they tried, and what worked and did not work, before trying them yourself.
The second key:- Finding a panic cure is not likely to come in the form of a pill.
Training your mind to cope when a panic attack begins, takes time and a little effort but has proven to be very successful for thousands of sufferers.
As you apply the techniques you have learnt, you will find that the attacks will decrease in frequency and length till one day you will suddenly realise that you have not had one for a long time.
The third key:- Finding the cause of your panic attacks will help short-circuit the cycle of panic attacks.
If you have an overly stressful lifestyle, the panic attacks can be your minds way of telling you something is not right and needs to change.
Are you trying to do too much or are you trying to do something that deep down you really do NOT want to do and therefore creating enormous internal conflict?