- Teen birthday party invitations should express the interests of the teen.teens_glasses image by Andrey Kiselev from Fotolia.com
Many teens want to create fun, themed birthday parties, but why stop the creativity with decorations for the party itself? Invitations can express the theme of the party and make a fun art project for teens. Birthday invitations should focus on the teen's interests as well as easy accessibility. Remember to always include the date and time-span of the party, the address (or directions if hard to find), the reason for the party and the name of the teen. - Glow-in-the-dark ink adds a creative twist to invitations. Take a sheet of card stock--maybe black or the same color as the ink--and write the party invitation in glow-in-the-dark ink. Leave an instruction to turn out the lights to view the invitation. When the invitation is opened and the ink suddenly appears, instructions on where the party is and how to get there suddenly appear.
Pair glow-in-the-dark ink with spy parties, where secret presents and fun espionage-related themes abound, or pair the invitations with birthday/Halloween mixed parties. The decorations for the party itself could be black-light decorations. Because glow-in-the-dark ink often needs daylight to "charge," do not put the invitations inside an envelope before delivery. - Teenage years are always associated with rock music, and rock star invitations can invoke that wild and colorful element. For a rock star guitar invitation, create the invitations out of long, narrow card stock. Add six "strings" made from thin paper (cut into zigzag lines to imitate playing a guitar). The back of the card contains all party information. For whatever rock-star inspired invitation you choose, remember to include thematic elements, like microphones, guitars, star cutouts and bright colors.
- For teens interested in comic books or manga, create invitations from their favorite animated source. Cut out a 5-by-7-inch rectangle of card stock. Using spray "fix'' or glue sticks, attach pictures from manga or comic books with room for thought bubbles. Place information for the party inside each thought bubble. Individual invitations can be made for small parties, or you can create one invitation and copy it for larger parties.
Glowing Invitations
Rock Star Invitations
Animated Invitations