Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Pet - Meet Pet Vacuum

Have you had problems with your pet when you use a vacuum cleaner? Do they not get on? Dogs may start barking at it, hitting the appliance with its paws or even go for a full frontal canine attack.
This invader, this animal is a real threat to some and can cause real problems for its owners.
It might be helpful to see the problem from a different point of view...
My owner is great.
I love my owner, really.
It's just that it does do silly things at times.
I only just managed to kill a monster that was invading our peaceful, sweet smelling home when he brings home another one.
From a cage of cardboard he releases it and chaos lets loose...
I hate that monster, I don't know why really, but it is not nice at all.
It is noisy, it's like a great big ugly strange smelling animal that comes out from the darkest, most unnatural smelling room of the house and dances all over the place disturbing my nap time.
Really - just asking to be bitten if you ask me, but you don't - I wonder why? Worse than that it looks like it is attacking my owner, moving back and forth threateningly as if to lunge at anything it goes near, including me and that's not on.
It eats all my food I left for later too.
I specifically and habitually left my stash in places that I would find later and here is this giant greedy critter just stealing it from the floor.
One sweep and my snack has gone - forever, no smell, nothing...
Greedy thing! It's big too; bigger than me anyway and that's big.
Often it stretches with a long long neck that allows it to go into all my frequent resting places searching for whatever I have left behind.
That's just plain nasty!! ...
And even worst of all - It sucks!!! It sucks so bad it's scary.
I might get eaten by this sucker and never come back.
My owner will be devastated for sure so I am definitely not happy.
My owner seems to be concerned by my chewing of its tail that is stuck in the wall and in my pet way of understanding thinks that they are trying to find advice.
I heard my owner talking about it to himself.
Yes, my owner does that lot, just stands there pushing something against its ear, talking to no one - but when I bark it is always a different story.
Since my owner had this funny turn talking to himself he is now acting a little strange...
He has just attacked the monster and pulled it out from its hiding place and left it in the middle of the floor.
He must have killed it for sure, the monster hasn't recovered, hasn't made a sound for days...
I think this whole experience has affected my owner in a very strange way though.
Each time I go a little bit nearer to this monster my owner will jump and pet me - I mean really pet me - stroking, the works.
Stranger still, my owner will go a little mad and do something similar with the monster and begin to pet that!!! I don't mind though - I get a treat...
The monster isn't attacking now...
It's quiet...
It's funny how my owner seems to forget it is there and trips over its tail now and again making loud owner noises I dare not repeat.
Now it looks like I was mistaken, just when I thought the monster would never make a move again and was finally harmless.
Truthfully I would have played with it - and even eaten it - if it didn't smell so bad and look so ugly - It doesn't have any fur.
Every now and again it will wake up - only for a moment.
My owner is always ready at that moment to go crazy again and start petting me, which at first was a little disturbing, but again, the works, with a treat too.
The monster doesn't get one though so I am happy.
It is quiet soon enough.
After a while the monster seems to be recovering, but I don't care much for it now.
It doesn't seem to be able to harm me or my owner and I get loved so much by him every time, just for making sure it doesn't attack him.
Simple things please simple owners.
I don't mind the monster being around now - even for taking my little snacks because I get a much better one from my owner.
These are certainly less hairy and gritty than the old snacks I would store in my hiding places anyway.
No I don't mind it at all, every day it dances around everywhere but gets tired soon enough and goes home.
It's OK - in fact it is getting a little boring now...
But when it comes out - I'm watching it!!! - It's my duty...
When I'm not tired and napping that is.
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