Video Transcript
Hi. I'm Angela Price from Eden Condensed, small space garden design and this is garden space. So questions come in on how to increase roses and the blooms that roses have by using rose food. And I think it's very important that you do fertilize your roses at least once every three months. I know a lot of gardeners will also do them once every two months, but at least once every three months in order to insure that you get a good bloom. Now some roses you'll get blooms kind of throughout the season kind of from spring until fall, including icebergs. A lot of times these mini roses will also bloom continuously. A lot of other roses you'll get maybe one bloom in the spring and a smaller bloom later in the summer. But in order to insure the most successful bloom you need to use the right food. And I like to use this organic fertilizer called Bud & Bloom because it does have the right formula in order to encourage blooms on flowers. And you can actually use this on any flowering plant as well as any fruiting plant. And when you first plant your roses you will add some to the planting hole and then every two to three months you'll add additional fertilizer around the base of the plant and then water it in deeply. So do make sure that you fertilize your roses at least every two to three months in order to encourage the most successful blooms. If you have any other questions on how to encourage your roses to continue to bloom through using food or fertilizer, please contact me at Thank you very much.