A maltese is a great choice for a pet puppy.
Not only are they cuddly but they are just so adorable! So, you just bought your own maltese puppy and feel so happy about the purchase.
Until you reach home, that is.
Now, you wonder how such a cute little thing create such a smelly by-product.
Well, what do you expect? Every living being must in one way or another eliminate its body waste.
Now what? Well, you have to keep in mind that training a puppy is very much like raising a child.
It will entail a lot of work and could probably even keep you up at night.
But just like any baby, your puppy will surely be worth it all.
It will such a wonderful source of joy and love.
Once, the potty training is done at least.
Potty training maltese puppies, or any other type of puppies, is not that hard.
Here are just some proven steps on how to potty train your new pet.
First, purchase a play pen or a kennel.
Then, line it with newspaper or you can also buy puppy pads.
The playpen should be roomy.
Put newspapers on one side and beddings on the other.
Dogs, in general, don't poop or pee where they sleep.
So, this would be a great start to train them to hold it in.
It is also a good solution when you don't have the undivided attention to give your puppy.
A kennel can keep him in place while doing something else.
Second, within 30 minutes of feeding, always make sure there is a newspaper ready for your puppy to go when ready to potty.
If you catch him in the act, place him immediately on the newspaper to finish the deed there.
Now, if the accident does happen, never punish your puppy for it, just reward them whenever they go potty on the proper place.
Dogs do not respond to cruelty as much as compared to rewards.
Third, as soon as your puppy is complete of his shots, you can go lead him outside to potty.
Just moce the newspaper outside, since he is used to the newspaper, he will do his deed there.
After a while, he will already be accustomed to pottying outside without much help from you.
These are just three simple steps that will help you get a well-trained puppy and make you a happy owner too! There will ups and downs though, the first week will be the hardest, but just be consistent and everything will follow through in time.
Not only are they cuddly but they are just so adorable! So, you just bought your own maltese puppy and feel so happy about the purchase.
Until you reach home, that is.
Now, you wonder how such a cute little thing create such a smelly by-product.
Well, what do you expect? Every living being must in one way or another eliminate its body waste.
Now what? Well, you have to keep in mind that training a puppy is very much like raising a child.
It will entail a lot of work and could probably even keep you up at night.
But just like any baby, your puppy will surely be worth it all.
It will such a wonderful source of joy and love.
Once, the potty training is done at least.
Potty training maltese puppies, or any other type of puppies, is not that hard.
Here are just some proven steps on how to potty train your new pet.
First, purchase a play pen or a kennel.
Then, line it with newspaper or you can also buy puppy pads.
The playpen should be roomy.
Put newspapers on one side and beddings on the other.
Dogs, in general, don't poop or pee where they sleep.
So, this would be a great start to train them to hold it in.
It is also a good solution when you don't have the undivided attention to give your puppy.
A kennel can keep him in place while doing something else.
Second, within 30 minutes of feeding, always make sure there is a newspaper ready for your puppy to go when ready to potty.
If you catch him in the act, place him immediately on the newspaper to finish the deed there.
Now, if the accident does happen, never punish your puppy for it, just reward them whenever they go potty on the proper place.
Dogs do not respond to cruelty as much as compared to rewards.
Third, as soon as your puppy is complete of his shots, you can go lead him outside to potty.
Just moce the newspaper outside, since he is used to the newspaper, he will do his deed there.
After a while, he will already be accustomed to pottying outside without much help from you.
These are just three simple steps that will help you get a well-trained puppy and make you a happy owner too! There will ups and downs though, the first week will be the hardest, but just be consistent and everything will follow through in time.