Business & Finance Social Media

Social Marketing Best Practices And Success Tips

Social Marketing is an amazing new opportunity for small and large business, while at the same time being exasperating for it's complexity and "wild west" newness that has everybody scrambling to learn, or create, best practices.
Some of the dilemmas marketers face include: -Social marketing doesn't outsource well.
-The rules aren't written yet.
Social media is so fresh nobody can accurately make a nice clean list of do's and don'ts.
Social Marketing demands total transparency, something most businesses aren't prepared to deliver yet.
Having managed and or advised on social media marketing on everything from a twelve million dollar a year health care company, to hypnotherapists, an artificial turf dealer, network marketers, and my own marketing efforts, here's my list of social marketing best practices I've developed: -Don't outsource ANY of your messaging! People can spot a phony a mile away, and every celebrity and entrepreneur who is trying to outsource their social marketing is going to regret it very soon.
-Only allow your "A" players to participate.
It is a mistake to delegate social marketing to the lower rungs of your organization.
If you are a one person show with no market for marketing, fantastic! That forces you, the best person on your bus, to do your social marketing, that's as it should be.
-Post regularly.
Every day there is something funny, newsworthy, controversial, or otherwise worthy of posting to the social networks.
Don't keep these things to yourself!Tweet it, blog it, video it, post it to social content sites, make a slideshow...
all of these methods are free, generate links back to your site, and keep people informed and engaged in your brand.
-Respond to EVERYTHING! Every blog or YouTube comment, tweet, Facebook mention, or forum post is deserving of your time and attention.
If you can get down in the trenches and get personal with everybody who interacts with your brand, you're doing it right.
-Your children are reading.
Before you hit send, publish, upload, or submit, remember, you are building an online legacy.
Are you proud of what you're saying, or would you be embarrassed to find out your child or your mother read your post? In social media interactions it's great to be yourself, but be your better self! As I write this, I cringe at all the mistakes I've made so far in social marketing, but at the same time, with all my mistakes I've captured over sixty front page rankings on Google, and generated a lot of leads and sales I never would have had without social marketing.
Social media marketing is a "ready, fire, aim" thing, you have to do it to get good at it! Hopefully this article will help you as you try to master this amazing new marketing method.
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