- Figure out a unique take on a 20th birthday party.birthday party image by Alexey Klementiev from <a href='http://www.fotolia.com'>Fotolia.com</a>
Turning 20 is certainly a milestone, although figuring out how to celebrate can be tough. The 21st birthday marks the drinking age, so going out on the town is pretty much out. Consider throwing a themed party that is fun for the guest of honor and all his or her friends. - Mark turning 20 by having a Roaring 20s party. Since it was the era of prohibition, not having alcohol at the party becomes a part of the theme. Have people dress up. Women can wear flapper dresses, while men can dress in loose-fitting suits and hats or 1920s gangster wear. For activities, have a Charleston dance contest, listen to jazz and give out prizes for the best costume.
- This theme is best when done with a smaller group of party guests. When people arrive, give everyone a role to play. Alternatively, let people know what their roles are before the party, so that they can dress the part. Each player is given clues and a timeline of when they should disclose their clues. The host knows who the killer is and is responsible for making sure the mystery progresses at a good rate. The guests have to try to figure out the clues and guess who among them is the killer.
- Throw a 20th birthday party that reminds guests of their childhood. Rent a room in an arcade and give all the guests tickets so that they can play video games. Alternatively, go to a theme party and ride roller coasters all day long. Another idea is to go to an entertainment center that has bumper cars, go carts, batting cages and other activities. Serve the foods you loved in childhood, such as pizza, hot dogs and hamburgers.
- When everyone arrives at the party, hand them a list of items they have to find and throw a scavenger hunt themed party. You can let everyone search for the items individually, or divide the guests into groups. One way to do this is to compile a list of items the guests have to bring back to the party, such as a red leaf, a newspaper from last week and a sweet potato. Another idea is to give each guest or group a digital camera and let them take pictures of the scavenger hunt items. Ideas could be a woman with red hair, a man wearing a fanny pack or a yellow-lettered sign.
Roaring 20s Party
Murder Mystery Party
Back to Childhood Party
Scavenger Hunt