- 1). Make a mark on a sheet of plywood with a pencil 18 inches from a corner along the short side. Make another mark on the long side at 66 inches. Draw a line from one mark to the other using a straight edge and pencil. Cut the plywood along the line with a circular saw. Repeat with the opposite corner so there are two exact triangles.
- 2). Connect the two triangles at the right angle with a 2-by-4. Attach the 2-by-4 to the plywood with 2 1/2-inch galvanized wood screws. Attach another 2-by-4 to the triangles at the angle where the long sides meet, with the wide side of the 2-by-4 flush against the cut edge of the plywood.
- 3). Make a mark along the cut edge of the plywood every eight inches, starting at the end where the 2-by-4 is. Attach a 2-by-4 between each of the marks, with the small side of the 2-by-4 flush against the edge of the plywood. Use 2 1/2-inch galvanized wood screws to secure all of the boards. These boards will support the top of the ramp.
- 4). Measure 74 inches along the long side of an uncut plywood sheet and mark it with a pencil. Repeat on the opposite side, then draw a line between the marks. Cut the plywood along the marks with a circular saw. Repeat with the uncut sheet of Masonite.
- 5). Attach the plywood to the top of the ramp with three or four wood screws in every 2-by-4. Make sure that the plywood is flush to the edges of the ramp on all sides. Repeat with the Masonite.