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How to Install Wood Fencing Around a Yard


    • 1). Plot out the fence line using mason's string and stakes. Straighten the stakes and tighten the string until the masons string is straight. This will be a guide for installing the fence straight.

    • 2). Cut the 1-by-4-inch boards to the proper height. Each board should be 46-inches tall. Cut any desired shape on the top of the boards. These boards will be the fence pickets.

    • 3). Paint or stain the fence pickets, the 4-by-4-inch posts, and the 2-by-4-inch boards in desired color or stain. You can add a second coat of paint later.


    • 1). Dig post holes every 8 feet along the mason string line. The holes need to be about 2 feet deep and 5 inches wide. Remove the masons string and stakes.

    • 2). Shovel 1 foot of gravel slowly into the bottom of each hole. Tamp the gravel as you add it to prevent any air bubbles. The gravel will prevent wood decay by allowing water to run away from the post.

    • 3). Place a post vertically in one of the post holes. Nail scrap lumber to the sides of the post to hold it straight. Pack the dirt that was dug out of the hole back into the hole around the post. Use a hand tamp to pack the dirt down and to hold the post in place. Repeat for each post needed. Cut the top of each of the posts off evenly using a hand saw. Allow the posts to set for two days.

    • 4). Measure 6 inches from the top of each post and mark the post. Make another mark on each post that is 36 inches from the top. These spots will be the locations for the fence stringers.

    • 5). Install the 2-by-4-inch boards as stringers for the fence. Place a 2-by-4-board across two of the fence posts with the ends of the board lined up with the 6-inch marks on both the posts. Screw the board in place. Continue installing the top row of stringers until you reach the last fence post. While installing, keep the stringers as straight as possible.

    • 6). Install the second row of stringers at the 36-inch point on each post, using the same method.

    • 7). Place a picket across the two rows of stringers parallel with the fence post. Adjust the picket so that the top of the picket is even with the top of the post. Ask an assistant to support the board while you attach it with wood screws.

    • 8). Install a second picket 2 inches from the first. Use a scrap piece of 1-by-2-inch lumber as a spacing guide. Attach the picket in the same manner as the first. Install the remaining pickets in the same manner.

    • 9). Protect the fence from the elements by adding a second coat of paint or stain.

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