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Strange Tales 11: Which Story is False?


Reports of living dinosaurs have been filtering out of the rain forests of “darkest Africa” for decades. You have no doubt heard of the Mokele-mbembe, said by natives of the area to resemble what we know as a sauropod, thought to be extinct for many millions of years.

However, you may not have heard of another dinosaur-like creature, affectionately dubbed “Pinky”, that was seen not in some remote jungle, but in Florida – the St.

Johns River, to be exact. The first reported sighting was in the 1960s by a biology student named Mary Richardson and two of her friends. While bow hunting, they were stunned by the sight of an unknown creature surfacing in the river. They described it as having a short neck and flat head.

This could easily be dismissed as a misidentified known creature, but there were further sightings that are not so easy to dismiss. On May 10, 1975, a fishing party consisting of Charles and Dorothy Abram and three friends, were confronted by the head and neck of some large creature rising out of the water. It was only 20 feet from them, they reported. It turned and looked at them, then submerged after about eight seconds. They described it as pink in color, hence its cute nickname.

The full description the Abrams gave of the creature, however, was far from cute. Aside from its distinctive pink color, its bones appeared to show through its skin, like “a dinosaur with its skin pulled back, so all the bones were showing...

sort of the color of boiled shrimp.”

They further described it as having a head the size of a human’s, with small horns that ended in knobby tips. Its neck was about three feet long and its eyes were dark and slanted. One of the Abrams’ friends remarked that it looked to her like a dragon.

The skeptics, of course, have dismissed the sighting as just a tree trunk or a large sturgeon, but the witnesses will remain convinced, I’m sure, that they encountered something much more extraordinary.

Next page:Story #4, The Haunted Highway
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