Health & Medical Diabetes

The Christmas Holiday Festivities & Diabetics - Are They Really Compatible

When Christmas is finally over after all the hype and the crazy food eating that accompanies it we're left wondering how diabetics are supposed to live through and enjoy this holiday season.
During the holiday period many diabetics experience the worst levels of the year, mainly because everyone is eating the wrong types of food and far too much sugar.
Everywhere you go you're offered foods full of sugar and white flour - the worst enemies of the diabetic.
Whilst vegetarians have an acceptable Christmas alternative carved out for them, the battle still has to be won for the diabetic.
In our own family, we struggled to find healthy recipes for our Christmas meal and the dessert to follow...
and failed.
Everything in the traditional recipe books was full of sugar, chocolate and fat.
We are now starting to plan for Christmas 2007 and actively looking for recipes that we can enjoy all year round, but also during the holiday season.
One excellent find is the new cookbook entitled "The Diabetes Weight Loss Diet" by Anthony Worral-Thompson and produced in conjunction with Diabetes UK.
This new cookbook is aimed at adults with Type 2 diabetes, but has some wonderful tasty and exciting recipes suitable for Type 1diabetics too.
If you're fed up with "boring", healthy recipes, Anthony's book is a breath of fresh air in the kitchen! One of the reasons for the success of this book is that it's based on Anthony's previous offerings of low GI diet books.
If you're unsure what GI is or what it stands for - it could be worth visiting your local library or bookshop and learning something about it.
GI or glycemic index is a measure of how swiftly a particular food enters the blood stream - for the diabetic, the lower the glycemic index, the better for your health.
Whilst the GI diet is primarily aimed at those who lose weight, it also offers some excellent possibilities for diabetics who are trying to improve their blood glucose control, feel healthy and reduce the risk of complications.
As always, only make significant changes to your diet in conjunction with your health care professional and dietician.
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