Do you like to surf MySpace? Do you find it fun browsing through the people and seeing what kind of things that they are into.
Did you know that you can get paid for doing just what you are doing for fun.
No, this is not a scam, what would I get out of telling you this, I do not own MySpace, nor do I have stock in it, so I guess I am just a nice guy that likes to help people.
So since you have stumbled across me, this must be your lucky day.
OK here is the deal, MySpace has becoming one of the most popular ways to promote yourself.
Whether you have a band, sell a product, or provide a service, if you let people know through MySpace than you are reaching potential customers.
My best friend is an up and coming author.
I have an advertising business, I know what you are thinking, a match made in heaven right.
Wrong, she beat me at my own game, she harnessed an advertising avenue that I had yet to explore.
She decided to post a job on a freelance site asking for someone to promote her book through MySpace.
She wanted a person that could add 600 friends to her account.
For adding all these friends she paid the person 500 dollars.
Five hundred dollars for less than a week of work.
If you are looking for fast cash look no further than MySpace, check out freelance sites for MySpace jobs you can complete.
Did you know that you can get paid for doing just what you are doing for fun.
No, this is not a scam, what would I get out of telling you this, I do not own MySpace, nor do I have stock in it, so I guess I am just a nice guy that likes to help people.
So since you have stumbled across me, this must be your lucky day.
OK here is the deal, MySpace has becoming one of the most popular ways to promote yourself.
Whether you have a band, sell a product, or provide a service, if you let people know through MySpace than you are reaching potential customers.
My best friend is an up and coming author.
I have an advertising business, I know what you are thinking, a match made in heaven right.
Wrong, she beat me at my own game, she harnessed an advertising avenue that I had yet to explore.
She decided to post a job on a freelance site asking for someone to promote her book through MySpace.
She wanted a person that could add 600 friends to her account.
For adding all these friends she paid the person 500 dollars.
Five hundred dollars for less than a week of work.
If you are looking for fast cash look no further than MySpace, check out freelance sites for MySpace jobs you can complete.