Have you been seeking out a brain fog cure for a long time? It's probably been quite frustrating because there's so much out there, and yet so little of the information points to a way to cure it for good.
What's worse is you're probably out of it even now trying to read through this article, so I'll try to keep it simply for you, so you can begin on your journey back to health.
Why you Have Brain Fog There are many theories, however it really comes down to 3 things in the end which I will quickly go into.
Organ Toxicity - When your colon & liver become over burdened with toxicity you will begin to experience brain fog as these toxins which should have left your body are re-circulating through your blood stream.
When you cleanse out your colon effectively you give your liver a chance to recover, however more still needs to be done.
Dietary Toxicity - A diet full of processed dead foods is bad enough.
Add in the fact that most artificial sweeteners and additives have already been proven to cause brain fog, dizziness and headaches and you're simply compounding the problem.
The first step here is going back to the basics, start eating a diet of whole foods.
Keep a good balance of vegetables, fruits, grains and meat (aim for organic and hormone/anti-biotic free if possible) Candida Overgrowth - This is always a problem for anyone who suffers from brain fog.
Let me repeat, everyone with brain fog suffers from a candida overgrowth and will not see improvement until they also begin to take steps to eliminate the overgrowth.
What is a candida overgrowth you ask? It's a fungal growth which although normally lives in a dormant like state in most people can become aggressive and cause numerous health problems, most commonly fatigue, allergies, and emotional ups and downs.
However the list of possible symptoms goes on and on.
I highly suggest that you take an online candida questionnaire or test to determine just how much of a problem candida is for you!
What's worse is you're probably out of it even now trying to read through this article, so I'll try to keep it simply for you, so you can begin on your journey back to health.
Why you Have Brain Fog There are many theories, however it really comes down to 3 things in the end which I will quickly go into.
Organ Toxicity - When your colon & liver become over burdened with toxicity you will begin to experience brain fog as these toxins which should have left your body are re-circulating through your blood stream.
When you cleanse out your colon effectively you give your liver a chance to recover, however more still needs to be done.
Dietary Toxicity - A diet full of processed dead foods is bad enough.
Add in the fact that most artificial sweeteners and additives have already been proven to cause brain fog, dizziness and headaches and you're simply compounding the problem.
The first step here is going back to the basics, start eating a diet of whole foods.
Keep a good balance of vegetables, fruits, grains and meat (aim for organic and hormone/anti-biotic free if possible) Candida Overgrowth - This is always a problem for anyone who suffers from brain fog.
Let me repeat, everyone with brain fog suffers from a candida overgrowth and will not see improvement until they also begin to take steps to eliminate the overgrowth.
What is a candida overgrowth you ask? It's a fungal growth which although normally lives in a dormant like state in most people can become aggressive and cause numerous health problems, most commonly fatigue, allergies, and emotional ups and downs.
However the list of possible symptoms goes on and on.
I highly suggest that you take an online candida questionnaire or test to determine just how much of a problem candida is for you!