Health & Medical Diabetes

Cooking for Diabetics

    What changes with diabetes?

    • The American Diabetes Association reports that Type 2 diabetes is the disease's most common variation. Type 2 diabetics do not produce enough insulin, which is the enzyme that breaks sugars down to be used for energy. The excess sugars enter the bloodstream, which can lead to increased fatigue and exhaustion. Over time, overexposure to sugar can damage organs, including the eyes, heart, liver and kidneys. The upside is that Type 2 diabetes can typically be reversed with weight loss, healthy eating and increased exercise.

    Controlling Carbohydrates

    • Carbohydrates are broken down directly into sugars, which enter the bloodstream during digestion. While carbs are generally identified as breads, grains and high-sugar foods--sodas, candy, desserts--many vegetables contain carbs as well. Corn, beans and fruits are all high in carbohydrates.

      The natural counter to carbs is the inclusion of high protein vegetables. Green leafy vegetables, like spinach, lettuce and cabbage, as well as soybeans (well-known as edamame) are attractive alternatives. These provide energy through protein, as well as important vitamins.

    Reducing Fat

    • Reducing fat in the diet reduces both cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood stream. These agents can break down the glucose energy cells which successfully enter the blood stream. The easiest way to change this is to cut back on fatty foods. For instance, most dairy products are available in a low-fat or skim milk-based form. In almost all cases, the taste differences is minimal between the low-far and full-fat products.

      Vegetable oils are another easy conversion. Instead of using butter, vegetable oil or corn oil, switch to canola or olive oil. The fat content is of the monounsaturated variety, which is considered good fat due to its ability to lower cholesterol levels.

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