- Start the first line of the invitation by addressing the people receiving the card in a friendly manner. If your guest list is relatively small, you can write a personalized greeting for everyone on the list such as "Hello Aunt Margareta." For a larger affair, though, you should use a greeting that can work for everyone. For example, with a large guest list, you should address the invite with, "To our valued guests" or "Hello friends."
- Include a short story about why you want to participate in your church's Communion ceremony. Tell people if you have always been a religious person or if you turned to religion later in your life. Cite some of your major spiritual influences. Your major spiritual influences can include church leaders, friends, family members and characters from your religion. Express your deep feelings in the short story so your guests can begin to grasp how important your religion is for you.
- The explanation of the invitation should take up the largest part of your invitation other than the short story. Explain that you are having your first Communion and express what an honor it would be for your guests to attend. For example, you can write, "Friends, (your name) is proud to announce their first Holy Communion with (the name of your church). It would be an honor to have you in attendance during this auspicious occasion."
- Include specifics on where and when your Communion will take place. You should include a time that is at least 10 minutes before the ceremony begins so your guests arrive in plenty of time. Include the name and address of the church. You can include a second sheet of paper in the invitation envelope that has a map that shows the church location. This will help your guests find the location in a timely manner.
Acknowledge Your Recipients
Write a Story
Explain the Reason for the Invite
Event Specifics