Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Personal Injury Damages - What Is Health Insurance Subrogration?

The last thing any person expects when he or she leaves home for work or school is to become involved in an accident.
We may like to think that automobile wrecks and serious injuries can happen to anybody but ourselves, but the truth is there is always a chance you may experience an accident that leads you to check into the emergency room.
Whether your hospital visit lasts a few hours or a few days, you will eventually deal with your insurance company and make sure all paperwork and information is in order so that your bills are paid.
Some patients may not experience any difficulties in getting their insurers to come through on payment.
You may receive notice that the company has covered your stay in the emergency room or hospital and what other incidentals are covered, like paid medication.
What happens, though, when your insurer contacts you later on about your accident and wants to know more? Should you be worried? Should you receive a follow-up call from your insurance agent with regards to your accident and claim, it is very likely that the company wants details on your accident.
In particular, who is responsible for the damage to your car and/or your health? If it happens that a third party caused the wreck, the insurers may investigate whether or not the third party or his/her insurance company should compensate them for the payment made to satisfy your bills.
This is where subrogation comes into play.
Subrogation is defined as the process in which one party replaces another.
Where personal injury is concerned, your insurance company may pay for damages that you did not cause, damages another party has not yet claimed.
If it is determined that a third party is at fault for your injuries, you may seek to have the responsible party pay due compensation.
It is important to note, however, that you will not receive money from your insurance company and the person at fault.
If your insurance company paid any and all claims, they are entitled to the compensation.
If you are not certain how the subrogation process works, or if you feel that during such a process you are not properly compensated for your injuries, you may wish to seek the services of an attorney who handles personal injury cases.
Be sure to let your lawyer know whether or not your insurance company, or that of the responsible party, has paid your claim completely.
In the event of an injury, you want your claim satisfied so that you can resume a normal life.
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