- Bridge
This exercise is called "lazy girl" because it can be performed while lying in bed---so no excuses!
1) Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor (or bed).
2) Keep your arms flat at your sides, palms down.
3) Squeeze your buttocks together and raise your butt and hips while keeping your arms, head, upper back and shoulders on the floor.
Hold this for 30 seconds, then begin to pulse hips up and down--keep that butt squeezed. Try to do this exercise 5 minutes a day, 5 times per week. - Squats
When you finally get out of bed:
1) Find any wall in your home.
2) Lean against it.
3) Squat down as close to the floor as you can, while keeping your feet about hip-width apart.
4) Slowly straighten up.
That's one rep!
Try to do about 3 sets of 10 reps each, 3 times per week. Eventually, move away from the wall. Without this support, make sure to tighten your abdomen during the repetitions. - Lunging
Lunges can be performed anywhere, anytime.
1). Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding two light dumbbells in each hand, palms facing toward the body.
2). Place one foot a step in front of the other.
3). Bend your rear knee and lower it close to the floor. Your front knee should naturally bend into a "tabletop" position.
4). Repeat the movement on the other side.
Very important: Keep a close eye on your front knee while bending your rear knee. You do not want the front knee to go over your ankle. Lunges are fantastic because in addition to working your butt, they also target your quadriceps and hamstrings.
The Lazy Girl Butt Squeeze
Wall Squats