Interior design can be a lot of fun! Interior design, in essence, is creating beauty where it did not previously exist. It is different than the work of an artist because you actually live in your artwork. You are not just producing something that looks nice; you are also concerned with practicality and usefulness. Often, flawless interior decorating is like make-up: the less you notice it, the better you did your job! Although those who live in your home may not notice it, the effects of the work you have accomplished include feelings of security, satisfaction, and inspiration. Every one of us has some degree of interior design skill: we copy what we like, rearrange what we do not, and strive to live in the best environment possible.
Decorating with Greenery in the Home
The size of the plants you choose often makes a big difference in the overall appearance of your decorating. When you add plants to larger coffee tables and to dining room and kitchen tables, choose plants that are 1-2 feet high. Also, look for plants with broad leavesthey look flattering on plants of this size. When you are placing plants in a corner, you will want taller plants with elongated leaves, which lead the eye from top to bottom and back up. It just goes to show that good planning is the secret to a well decorated home. Finally, remember that there are some notable benefits to silk plants: not only do they look realistic, but they do not require a lot of extra care and their lifetime is three times greater than that of real plants.
Cleaning is Just as Essential
It is stated that cleanliness is next to godliness. The goal of interior decorating is to have your home looking as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Now as we all know, life can have a funny way of constantly getting in the way of that goal. If you are like me, half the battle in your home is just keeping it tidy and organized, let alone getting around to the next interior design project. We can improve the look of our home by creating a schedule of all the periodic tasks one needs to do to keep the house clean (such as cleaning blinds, washing bedding, or dusting picture frames). This way, you can spend just a little time each month doing some of these jobs rather than being stuck several times a year doing them all day long. Another time-saving strategy is to make sure the rest of the family is helping you! Not only is it their responsibility, too; having everyone help frees a lot of your time and makes you a lot more fun to be around. One more tip is to use labels wherever it is convenient. Knowing where everything is, or goes, not only keeps things organized longer, it also keeps you from wasting time looking for things.
Topiary Plants
The definition of a topiary is a plant that is trimmed in a fashion not ordinarily appearing to be a plant. Most often the plants used for topiary purposes are extremely dense. These topiaries come in every shape and sizes ranging from elephants, squirrels and people to elaborate designs, mazes, and even tunnels. There are many silk topiaries, in almost as many designs as there are real ones. You have probably seen silk topiaries before in the workplace or in churches and other public buildings. A very popular look for silk topiaries includes a spiral shape, because it can be very small but decorative.
Decorating with Greenery in the Home
The size of the plants you choose often makes a big difference in the overall appearance of your decorating. When you add plants to larger coffee tables and to dining room and kitchen tables, choose plants that are 1-2 feet high. Also, look for plants with broad leavesthey look flattering on plants of this size. When you are placing plants in a corner, you will want taller plants with elongated leaves, which lead the eye from top to bottom and back up. It just goes to show that good planning is the secret to a well decorated home. Finally, remember that there are some notable benefits to silk plants: not only do they look realistic, but they do not require a lot of extra care and their lifetime is three times greater than that of real plants.
Cleaning is Just as Essential
It is stated that cleanliness is next to godliness. The goal of interior decorating is to have your home looking as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Now as we all know, life can have a funny way of constantly getting in the way of that goal. If you are like me, half the battle in your home is just keeping it tidy and organized, let alone getting around to the next interior design project. We can improve the look of our home by creating a schedule of all the periodic tasks one needs to do to keep the house clean (such as cleaning blinds, washing bedding, or dusting picture frames). This way, you can spend just a little time each month doing some of these jobs rather than being stuck several times a year doing them all day long. Another time-saving strategy is to make sure the rest of the family is helping you! Not only is it their responsibility, too; having everyone help frees a lot of your time and makes you a lot more fun to be around. One more tip is to use labels wherever it is convenient. Knowing where everything is, or goes, not only keeps things organized longer, it also keeps you from wasting time looking for things.
Topiary Plants
The definition of a topiary is a plant that is trimmed in a fashion not ordinarily appearing to be a plant. Most often the plants used for topiary purposes are extremely dense. These topiaries come in every shape and sizes ranging from elephants, squirrels and people to elaborate designs, mazes, and even tunnels. There are many silk topiaries, in almost as many designs as there are real ones. You have probably seen silk topiaries before in the workplace or in churches and other public buildings. A very popular look for silk topiaries includes a spiral shape, because it can be very small but decorative.