Health & Medical Anxiety

Tips to Deal With Anxiety and Worry

Everyone worries at some time or another.
It becomes a real problem when it encompasses your very existence.
When all you can think about is the next bad thing that is going to happen.
Your nerves are constantly on edge, you are always tired, emotionally and physically drained, and very irritable.
Getting up and going in the morning seems like trying to scale Mt.
There are natural ways that can help you break the ties of constant worry and anxiety.
You must learn that there is no way to predict everything that is gonna happen.
The world is an uncertain place on the best days.
On the worst, it is total chaos.
When you worry, it makes you feel safer.
You think that it will prepare you for all the bad things that will happen.
The truth is, all you are doing is making the situation much worse, and not enjoying any of the good times in life, for fear of the bad ones.
You have to change your way of thinking.
Instead of worrying about what might happen, ask yourself how likely it is that something good can happen.
There is just as much likelihood of a good or neutral outcome.
The more positive you are, the more positive things will be drawn to you.
Learn how to give worry it's own time period in your life- There is no way to banish worry from your life completely.
There is a way however to make it's toll on your time more manageable.
Take an hour out of each day as your worry time.
This is the time that you are free to think, and to think about worrying.
The rest of the day is off limits.
Try to make this time well before bedtime, as not to let worry intrude on your sleep.
If you have a worrisome thought during the day, write it down for your time to worry.
Don't spend anymore time on it than that.
Worrying only during your worry period will give you greater control over your life.
Stop your negative thoughts in their tracks- If you suffer from constant worry and anxiety, your attitude is probably very pessimistic.
You may feel as if you couldn't handle life if something bad were to happen.
You probably jump to worst-case scenarios all the time, and think that you are a magnet to tragedy.
These irrational, negative thoughts are called cognitive distortions.
Although they are not based on reality, they are very hard to stop.
It becomes automatic thinking that you must retrain your brain in order to squash it.
You must learn to examine and challenge your worries and fears.
Instead of thinking of them as facts, view them as theories you are testing out.
Ask yourself some questions that address the worry you feel- 1.
What proof do I have that the thought I have is true? That it is untrue? 2.
Is this thought helpful? Could this thought potentially hurt me? 3.
What are the chances that what I am afraid will happen will in any real likelihood happen? 4.
If the probability of it happening is low, what might be a more likely outcome? 5.
There are several types of cognitive distortions that lead to anxiety and worry: 1.
All -or-nothing attitude - Looking at things in black and white, when quite often there are many shades of gray.
Overpersonalization- Taking blame for things that you have no control over.
Jumping to conclusions- Making bad interpretations without any evidence.
Diminish the positive- Explaining away positive events as if they don't count.
Emotional reasoning- When you believe the way you feel is grounded in reality.
Catastrophizing- Always thinking that the worst is gonna happen.
Labeling- Telling yourself you are on idiot or a loser based on perceived ideas.
Should's and should nots- Holding yourself to an impossible list, and beating yourself up, when you do not adhere to it.
The mental filter- When you forget about all the good things, and only focus on the bad things that have happened.
Overgeneralization- Expecting one negative experience to always remain true.
RELAX- The most important thing you have to do is learn to relax.
You can try deep breathing and meditation.
Take time for yourself, no matter how difficult it may be.
Remember to think good thoughts whenever a negative thought rears it's ugly head.
This will train your brain to think of things in a more positive light.
A good relaxation tip for me is to listen to soothing music without any distractions.
Just an hour can work wonders on a tired, emotionally drained body and mind.
It is not easy to change your way of thinking, but it can be done.
After a while you will see many new and exciting doors open up.
Please remember That You Deserve To Have A Happy Life.
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