Insurance Health Insurance

Purchasing Independent Family Health Insurance

    Compare Plans

    • 1). Many websites offer a side-by-side comparison of different independent health plans, such as and Go to one of these websites, and it will prompt you to enter information about your family members and their health information. Check with the National Association of Health Underwriters if you prefer to work with a local broker instead of a website. Coverage available to you will vary by your location, medical history, smoking status and family needs.

    • 2). After entering the necessary information. the website or broker will show you a large variety of possible health plans. Some details about each health plan are included for comparison, such as monthly premiums, any annual deductible and co-payments and which conditions are covered and excluded. Compare plans to choose the one that is most affordable while offering the coverage your family needs.

    • 3). After selecting a plan, you will fill out an application. The website or your broker will ask for more specific information about your family, such as Social Security numbers, and may require a complete physical exam prior to approving your application for coverage.You will have to answer questions about the medical histories of everyone applying for coverage.

    • 4). There is a waiting period after the application is submitted during which the insurance company reviews your application. If you have any health conditions listed in your medical history, you may have to provide more information about the nature of your condition and current prognosis. Any doctors who have treated you may also have to submit your treatment records and write a statement about your current health. After reviewing this information, the insurance company will make a decision about your eligibility for coverage.

    • 5). Once approved for a policy, you are required to make an initial deposit payment to start the coverage. If your application is denied, you can always file an appeal or apply with another company, though you are not guaranteed approval until the health insurance reform laws take effect in 2014.

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