90% Of gates fitted by myself are close board garden gates.
The close board garden gate is most widely used, but there are a few other styles that are some times used, here is a list to help you decide which is best for you.
All these gates can be made to the size you require.
Close board explanation This type of gate is made from wood, the typical size is 6 foot high by 3 foot wide but can be made wider if required and the height can be set to your own personal preference, although saying this I would not recommend anything higher than 6 foot six.
The frame for this gate is made up of 3" x 2" the frame runs around the whole circumference of the gate and then strengthening in between the mainframe.
Then individual pieces of feather edge are installed vertically onto the frame, this makes a very strong athletically pleasing overall look.
Lap panel style gate explanation This type is of the same type of frame but with the feather page/Wayne edge pieces of wood are attached horizontally, many people use this type of gate to match their existing lap panel fencing.
Although very well made it is not as strong as the close board gate.
Picket gate explanation This type is designed for looks and style as well as having the benefit of having openings between the vertical slats allowing wind to travel through the gate, this is particularly useful in areas of high winds.
Again installed with a full frame around the circumference of the gate.
Please also note that all wood is subject to the weather and can shrink and expand and may need alterations after installation.
For more information please feel free to contact me or visit the website.
The close board garden gate is most widely used, but there are a few other styles that are some times used, here is a list to help you decide which is best for you.
All these gates can be made to the size you require.
Close board explanation This type of gate is made from wood, the typical size is 6 foot high by 3 foot wide but can be made wider if required and the height can be set to your own personal preference, although saying this I would not recommend anything higher than 6 foot six.
The frame for this gate is made up of 3" x 2" the frame runs around the whole circumference of the gate and then strengthening in between the mainframe.
Then individual pieces of feather edge are installed vertically onto the frame, this makes a very strong athletically pleasing overall look.
Lap panel style gate explanation This type is of the same type of frame but with the feather page/Wayne edge pieces of wood are attached horizontally, many people use this type of gate to match their existing lap panel fencing.
Although very well made it is not as strong as the close board gate.
Picket gate explanation This type is designed for looks and style as well as having the benefit of having openings between the vertical slats allowing wind to travel through the gate, this is particularly useful in areas of high winds.
Again installed with a full frame around the circumference of the gate.
Please also note that all wood is subject to the weather and can shrink and expand and may need alterations after installation.
For more information please feel free to contact me or visit the website.