It is so important to eat well and healthy during pregnancy.
It not only benefits you, but also your baby.
Everything you consume somehow will be connected to you baby's nutrition while the fetus is in you.
Start eating nutritious now and prevent health problems later.
I will present you with a variety of health options.
Meats Group: This group has tons of protein, as well as iron and various B vitamins.
Your baby needs protein to develop and it is critical in the development of the second and third trimesters.
So, how much should you be eating? Research mentions you should consume at least two sources of protein per day.
Here are some portions sizes you can go by: Three oz lean meat One egg ½ cup beans (dried) Two tablespoons peanut butter Veggies and Fruits: Veggies and fruits provide vital nutrients to you and your baby.
They are also an excellent source for fiber and antioxidants.
Try to eat the leafy dark green veggies; these have more vitamins, folate and iron in them.
Did you know that Vitamin C actually can help promote health gums in your baby? Here are the typical serving portions: · One average fruit piece · Two cups of the raw, dark green leafy, veggies · ½ cup cooked veggies · ¾ cup fruit juice ( has to be 100% juice) On a side note, I want you to start checking the juices you purchase.
Make sure on the ingredient list it says 100% juice instead of all that added sugar.
Grain Group Did you know that whole grains provide the body with the carbohydrates it needs.
Carbohydrates in the body are its major source of fuel for function during the day.
Try to eat at least six to nine servings per day of whole grains.
Whole grains provide lots of fiber and different minerals.
Here are some serving sizes: One slice of whole grain bread ½ cup of cooked noodles or whole grain rice One cup cold cereal ( stay away from the processed and frosted cereals) Dairy Sources Dairy products are a huge source for calcium and vitamin D and A.
Did you know that calcium actually aids in muscle contraction? Here's a list of portion sizes: One cup skim milk Two oz processed cheese One cup skim yogurt Eat well so your baby lives well For more vital health and wellness information and to learn how to lose 10lb in 30 days check this out: http://www.
com Matthew Hell NCSF- Personal Trainer
It not only benefits you, but also your baby.
Everything you consume somehow will be connected to you baby's nutrition while the fetus is in you.
Start eating nutritious now and prevent health problems later.
I will present you with a variety of health options.
Meats Group: This group has tons of protein, as well as iron and various B vitamins.
Your baby needs protein to develop and it is critical in the development of the second and third trimesters.
So, how much should you be eating? Research mentions you should consume at least two sources of protein per day.
Here are some portions sizes you can go by: Three oz lean meat One egg ½ cup beans (dried) Two tablespoons peanut butter Veggies and Fruits: Veggies and fruits provide vital nutrients to you and your baby.
They are also an excellent source for fiber and antioxidants.
Try to eat the leafy dark green veggies; these have more vitamins, folate and iron in them.
Did you know that Vitamin C actually can help promote health gums in your baby? Here are the typical serving portions: · One average fruit piece · Two cups of the raw, dark green leafy, veggies · ½ cup cooked veggies · ¾ cup fruit juice ( has to be 100% juice) On a side note, I want you to start checking the juices you purchase.
Make sure on the ingredient list it says 100% juice instead of all that added sugar.
Grain Group Did you know that whole grains provide the body with the carbohydrates it needs.
Carbohydrates in the body are its major source of fuel for function during the day.
Try to eat at least six to nine servings per day of whole grains.
Whole grains provide lots of fiber and different minerals.
Here are some serving sizes: One slice of whole grain bread ½ cup of cooked noodles or whole grain rice One cup cold cereal ( stay away from the processed and frosted cereals) Dairy Sources Dairy products are a huge source for calcium and vitamin D and A.
Did you know that calcium actually aids in muscle contraction? Here's a list of portion sizes: One cup skim milk Two oz processed cheese One cup skim yogurt Eat well so your baby lives well For more vital health and wellness information and to learn how to lose 10lb in 30 days check this out: http://www.
com Matthew Hell NCSF- Personal Trainer