Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

How to Decorate Like the Rich Without Spending a Dime

What is the common denominator between the interior of a home at a 720 Park Avenue, on South Ocean Drive in Palm Beach, The Breakers in Newport, and Hillwood in Washington, D.
? Discipline.
Forget money, that is not what makes a room beautiful.
You can spend a lot of money and have horrific home interiors.
Discipline is truly the secret of beautiful and livable interior design.
Sure, these homes may be filled with some priceless antiques but the rooms are made up of the same components as the rest of us; a sofa, some lounge chairs, end tables, a rug, draperies, coffee tables, lamps and accessories.
It isn't about how much each item cost.
The magic is in the mix; how it is put together.
How you mix the items in your home makes the difference in a beautiful interior or bad interior.
  You can only achieve a wonderful mix with discipline and it is FREE.
One of the differences I have observed between "us and them" is that "we" are constantly decorating.
The average American often comes home at least once a month from the store, mall, garage sale, etc.
with some thing for some room in their home.
Are you guilty of this? With many people the room is never "done.
"  Do it once and do it right.
Is dentistry or surgery a hobby? No.
Neither is interior design, it is a vocation, a job.
You start the project, end the project, and move on.
Yes, rooms can evolve and additions are made but it is rather stress inducing to go through life with the feeling "a room is never done.
" In today's world we don't have time for that.
Today's home should be a restful retreat we can live in, entertain in and enjoy.
It is hard to do this if your home interiors are in a constant state of flux.
  Decorating is not about more.
  Though many people are constantly on the look for one more thing.
  Sure shopping can be fun but not when you are creating a home full of needless stuff.
  You do not have to fill every corner or wall space.
  Having space without anything in it, called negative space, is today's luxury.
It is true that most of these wealthy homeowners also engaged the services of a decorator or interior designer.
Not to diminish my own profession but much of what we do is provide unbiased opinions that let us edit and make selections with extreme discipline.
If you can't do it yourself or afford a designer to do it all for you, it is often worth hiring one just for a consultation.
He or she can review what you have and suggest what can stay and what can go.
Family members and friends are the worst people to use for this.
Discipline is best achieved with an unbiased opinion.
  However, you really can do this yourself.
Discipline is a great illustration of why it isn't about money.
"They" have plenty of money to buy what they want.
They may be able to buy a new chair, bed, rug window treatment every time they see a new one they like.
But they don't.
The key to discipline is being responsible with your money.
Buy it once and buy it right.
They choose the right solution (wallpaper, rug, furniture, accessories, etc.
) the first time and don't need to change it a couple of years later.
They may have money but they don't have the clutter and stuff that we do.
Hmmm, why is that? Discipline.
Don't buy things because you can and never ever just because it is on sale! If you have a shopping addiction - buy shoes don't decorate.
I have seen plenty of rooms where people go on and on about this great piece of furniture they got from somewhere that goes with nothing in the room, stuffed into a corner, another "bargain" they had to have.
It is no bargain if it doesn't work or just sits in the basement.
Then it becomes a whole new problem, "...
but it is good," or "but X gave it to me" or " but it cost a lot of money I can't get rid of it.
" Oh yes you can.
Here is how you can achieve this same discipline: 1.
Have a plan (floor and accessories) for each room.
Have a completion date.
Make a list of items you need and their sizes from your plan.
If is isn't on the plan, it isn't on the list so: DON"T BUY IT! (Or get rid of it if you already own it.
) 5.
Cross off items from your checklist as completed and once you are done - enjoy it.
Yes, it really is this simple.
The real difference is a lack of control not lack of money.
These five steps will alleviate the clutter and endless piles of stuff you tend to accumulate.
Another benefit of following the steps you will save money not waste it.
If you apply the five steps above to any and every room in your home you can achieve the discipline it takes for a beautiful home and decorate like the rich.
If you want to take it one step further, think about the current economic environment and families who may be living without.
  Junk is still junk but many things that clutter our homes are items someone else could use or need.
  Think of your new found discipline as a way to do good for others while redecorating your home.
  Donate that extra coffee table or bedroom set you have stacked in the basement.
  Do you really need four sets of dishes?  Being mindful of your decorating, eliminating the clutter, putting a halt to additional purchases and decorating like the rich can be good for you and others.
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