Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Why Do You Need A Dog Bite Attorney?

Have you or a loved one been bitten by a dog? If you have already sustained dog attack injuries, first and foremost, seek medical treatment.
Dog bites can bring many different types of injuries, from things such as muscle or ligament damage, to significant tissue injury.
Also, one of the major consequences from a serious bite injury is the risk of infection.
But now the question remains, what are you going to do about it? Just let it go? Or, talk with the insurance company who represents the dog's owner? Or should you consult with an attorney? Several options are open to you.
Many dog attack victims are reluctant to consult with a dog bite attorney.
It may be an awkward situation; you may know the dog's owner, maybe they are friends, relatives or neighbors.
For whatever reason, you have chosen to not consult with a personal injury lawyer.
You might want to rethink your position of "not doing anything about it.
" You might not realize right away just how complicated injuries can be if you have been bitten by a dog.
If you don't consult with an attorney, you may end up losing out on much more than you can imagine.
What so many people don't realize is that with dog bites, you can sustain more injuries than just from the actual bite: you can lose valuable time from work, and have thousands of dollars in medical bills.
Unforeseen future medical expenses can add up, too: things like the wounds becoming infected, or needing plastic surgery to repair damage.
This is why you need to consult with an attorney as soon as possible.
Down the road, you may discover that nerves were damaged, and you may need physical therapy.
So who ends up getting sued in the event of a dog bite lawsuit? Most of the time, it is the dog owner's insurance company.
Are you qualified to conduct negotiations with the insurance company? Remember, the insurance company wants a quick, cheap settlement.
They are not on your side.
Your lawyer will be able to assess the situation to enable the best settlement possible for you in your dog bite lawsuit.
What if the dog owner doesn't have insurance? You might be able to sue the dog owner directly.
This can depend on the extent of the dog bite injuries and what the relationship is between you and the dog owner.
It is not advisable for you to be involved directly with the owner.
This is another reason why you need to consult with a personal injury lawyer.
He or she can explain what you are entitled to receive.
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