The word "Yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit word "yeund" meaning to yoke or join.
According to Hindu philosophy this means union of the individual soul (Jivatma) with universal consciousness (Parmatma), - or the union of the body with the mind and mind with the soul.
This art defines methods and practices which help an individual attain divine realization.
Suffering is a part of life - whether physical, mental or spiritual.
The science of yoga focuses on different areas of body, mind and spirit to bring them into perfect harmony to achieve consummate health and well being.
This is done through the practice of various body postures called 'asanas', breathing exercises called 'pranayama' and meditations called 'dhyana'.
The prerequisite for all this is a disciplined life and immense dedication.
Yoga as a scientific system of body and mind practices, took its roots in India three thousand years ago.
The multifaceted mechanism of yogic exercises was designed to help an individual live a full life of enduring health and well-being on all levels.
As a science of mind it is called raja-yoga and as a science of intelligence Jnana-yoga.
Jnana means intelligence.
However the same manifests as a science of duty in karma-yoga and as a science of body and will in hatha- yoga.
Yoga enhances health and general well-being in a person, through a regime of physical exercises and body postures.
Disciplined and regular practice of asanas or postures and breathing exercises called pranayama makes the body healthy, supple and strong.
Yogic practices have a great impact on the function of body organs, blood circulation, nerves and glands.
It affects all the systems of the body, making an individual healthy, energetic, sharp, focused and peaceful.
Many common diseases and physical ailments can be treated through regular practice of yogic postures.
Yoga and health are inextricably linked in the Hindu way of life.
People are mainly drawn to this practice for its health benefits.
It arrests aging and brings harmony and balance in the body and mind - both externally and internally.
It is also not difficult to learn, and flexible enough to be practiced by anyone at all stages of life.
According to Hindu philosophy this means union of the individual soul (Jivatma) with universal consciousness (Parmatma), - or the union of the body with the mind and mind with the soul.
This art defines methods and practices which help an individual attain divine realization.
Suffering is a part of life - whether physical, mental or spiritual.
The science of yoga focuses on different areas of body, mind and spirit to bring them into perfect harmony to achieve consummate health and well being.
This is done through the practice of various body postures called 'asanas', breathing exercises called 'pranayama' and meditations called 'dhyana'.
The prerequisite for all this is a disciplined life and immense dedication.
Yoga as a scientific system of body and mind practices, took its roots in India three thousand years ago.
The multifaceted mechanism of yogic exercises was designed to help an individual live a full life of enduring health and well-being on all levels.
As a science of mind it is called raja-yoga and as a science of intelligence Jnana-yoga.
Jnana means intelligence.
However the same manifests as a science of duty in karma-yoga and as a science of body and will in hatha- yoga.
Yoga enhances health and general well-being in a person, through a regime of physical exercises and body postures.
Disciplined and regular practice of asanas or postures and breathing exercises called pranayama makes the body healthy, supple and strong.
Yogic practices have a great impact on the function of body organs, blood circulation, nerves and glands.
It affects all the systems of the body, making an individual healthy, energetic, sharp, focused and peaceful.
Many common diseases and physical ailments can be treated through regular practice of yogic postures.
Yoga and health are inextricably linked in the Hindu way of life.
People are mainly drawn to this practice for its health benefits.
It arrests aging and brings harmony and balance in the body and mind - both externally and internally.
It is also not difficult to learn, and flexible enough to be practiced by anyone at all stages of life.