Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Improve Dog Training With This

Training your dog, whether you do it yourself or hire a professional trainer, can be easier and more successful if you use Bach Flower Essences.
There are 38 Bach Flower Essences, each targeted to a specific emotion.
Improving emotional imbalances can lead to behavior improvement.
Bach Flower Essences are gentle, completely safe without side effects and economical.
Boost Your Training Efforts Need to housebreak your puppy? There are two Essences which can make that challenge easier for the both of you: Cherry Plum is for inability to control unwanted behavior.
Chestnut Bud is for failing to learn from mistakes.
Chestnut Bud is also good for habit breaking.
So if you're working on breaking a bad habit, this Essence can improve your results.
Once your dog has graduated housebreaking and it's time for more advanced training there are four Essences that can boost your success:
  • Cerato
  • Clematis
  • Gentian
  • Larch
Cerato is helpful for in-attention and distractedness.
It keeps a pet on track and on the task at hand.
Clematis helps with focus, attention span and consciousness.
Increasing attention and focus during a training lesson has obvious benefits.
Clematis can also be used on an unconscious pet or after surgery to speed up alertness and recovery.
Gentian helps the pet who gets easily discouraged and gives up with even small mistakes.
Larch is a self confidence booster especially beneficial for timid or shy pets.
It's helpful in the short term with a training session or before a show or competition and it's helpful in the long term with pets that are overly timid or easily dominated or perhaps recovering from a rescue or shelter situation.
Use Individually Or In Combination You can use any of the Bach Flower Essences individually.
You can also make a combination formula.
Any combination formula should include no more than 6 different Essences.
To create a combination formula you need a 30 ml (1 ounce) glass dropper bottle, spring water and - optionally - a preservative.
Common preservatives are rum, vodka, brandy and vegetable glycerine.
In general, pets - especially smaller ones - shouldn't have alcohol so you'll have to use your judgment when deciding on the preservative.
Alternatively, you can store it in the refrigerator and not use a preservative, but that tends to not be very practical.
Making Your Combination Formula - Add your preservative into the dropper bottle - 7.
5 ml (1/4 of the bottle).
- Add 2 drops of each Essence.
- Add spring water to fill the bottle.
When used with specific training or performance sessions, you want to dose your pet 2-3 times before the session...
about 45 minutes before and 5 minutes before.
When used for an on-going situation, dose 2-4 times a day and scale back when your pet shows consistent improvement.
The most direct (and preferred) method is to put the drops into your pet's mouth.
It's not necessary they swallow.
It only needs to make contact with their gums, tongue or lips.
(Make sure there isn't direct contact with the dropper).
However, it's not always possible to get your pet to cooperate, so here are some other options:
  • Drip it into your palm and having your pet lick your palm
  • Drip it onto your index finger and rub their gums
  • Rub it into their ear flaps
  • Sprinkle it on a treat or piece of food
  • Add a dropper-full to a spray bottle with spring water and mist the pet, avoiding the face
  • Put the drops in your hand and pet them on the head and around the ears
  • Apply it directly to pulse points such as paw pads, nose, ears, belly, throat
Bach Flower Essences are easy to use, economical and safe with no side effects.
Used in conjunction with proper training, they'll help you develop a well trained companion.
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