WordPress 3.
0, the latest version of WordPress is released and now available in every corner of the online market.
In the start of this month, WordPress kicked off its rough and ready beta version and it's now time to work out on its newly added features.
WordPress 3.
0: The positive face The latest version, WordPress 3.
0 is the blend of both, WordPress and the WordPress Multi-User (WordPress MU) features.
WordPress MU is an additional feature of the CMS system that permits a single installation of the WordPress system to further power the multiple websites or blogs.
This system is also called as the multi-tenant installation.
However, this doesn't mean that you can simply add blogs from your simple WordPress dashboard.
Instead, you need to manually follow a few steps and also meet with some criteria in order to structure your multiple blog WordPress networking system.
WordPress 3.
0, unlike its previous versions which included two content types namely, Posts and Pages, also includes the newly added feature "Custom Post Types".
This feature gives the users a free hand on creating any type of content for their websites and further defines the attributes.
You can also avail the new WordPress default theme designed entirely on SEO strategies and is mainly inspired by Ian Stewart from Thematics.
The theme includes features like microformats, clean typography, post thumbnails for headers, horizontal drop down menu options, etc.
The system also includes a series of other common additional features that enhance its entire working.
WordPress 3.
0: the negative face It is believed that this new WordPress release is designed similar to an auto-save system which has certain revision problems.
This hence expands your website database to objectionable sizes.
Moreover, a WordPress database class bug may be caused during the re-installation of the database.
Answering these loopholes, Jane Bells from WordPress, stated that this new WordPress 3.
0 version is just a raw version and hence has several features being refined again for better performances.
IT Support
0, the latest version of WordPress is released and now available in every corner of the online market.
In the start of this month, WordPress kicked off its rough and ready beta version and it's now time to work out on its newly added features.
WordPress 3.
0: The positive face The latest version, WordPress 3.
0 is the blend of both, WordPress and the WordPress Multi-User (WordPress MU) features.
WordPress MU is an additional feature of the CMS system that permits a single installation of the WordPress system to further power the multiple websites or blogs.
This system is also called as the multi-tenant installation.
However, this doesn't mean that you can simply add blogs from your simple WordPress dashboard.
Instead, you need to manually follow a few steps and also meet with some criteria in order to structure your multiple blog WordPress networking system.
WordPress 3.
0, unlike its previous versions which included two content types namely, Posts and Pages, also includes the newly added feature "Custom Post Types".
This feature gives the users a free hand on creating any type of content for their websites and further defines the attributes.
You can also avail the new WordPress default theme designed entirely on SEO strategies and is mainly inspired by Ian Stewart from Thematics.
The theme includes features like microformats, clean typography, post thumbnails for headers, horizontal drop down menu options, etc.
The system also includes a series of other common additional features that enhance its entire working.
WordPress 3.
0: the negative face It is believed that this new WordPress release is designed similar to an auto-save system which has certain revision problems.
This hence expands your website database to objectionable sizes.
Moreover, a WordPress database class bug may be caused during the re-installation of the database.
Answering these loopholes, Jane Bells from WordPress, stated that this new WordPress 3.
0 version is just a raw version and hence has several features being refined again for better performances.
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