Handling sleeping anxiety can be done in several ways; o Create a good sleep environment.
Shut out noise and light that can be irritating.
Take your tv and computer out of your bedroom.
The calmer the environment the better.
o Taking your worries out of the bedroom.
In Dr.
Daniel Kripke's YouTube video on sleeping pills he suggest getting up and taking your worries into the other room.
o Getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper, a new sleep habit.
This is a tip from the famous industrialist Andrew Carnegie.
o Taking Calcium + Magnesium as a sleep remedy - Peter Gilliam helps you pick the Calcium/Magnesium formula that is right for you.
o Stress is a major factor in sleep anxiety.
Take B vitamins to relieve stress.
Lack of B vitamins can cause stress and forgetfulness.
Stress can eat up your B vitamins.
This is one of those catch 22's but this works for handling anxiety.
A little research on B vitamins will give you the information you need for taking the right amount B vitamins.
o Taking Kava-Kava.
Herbal sleep remedies can help you with sleep anxiety.
Alternating Kava-Kava with chamomile tea and meletonin is best.
Never take any sleep aid for a long period of time.
o Getting exercise.
Getting out in the sun and exercise goes a long way to relieving sleeping anxiety.
This is literally taking your worries outside.
o Relaxation sleeping CDs.
Taking the time to relax before you go to sleep is a sure sleeplessness cure.
Music is very calming and soothing.
Now this may look like a long list...
but most of them are so simple to implement.
And when you have long nights filled with sleep anxiety they are worth any extra effort.
Shut out noise and light that can be irritating.
Take your tv and computer out of your bedroom.
The calmer the environment the better.
o Taking your worries out of the bedroom.
In Dr.
Daniel Kripke's YouTube video on sleeping pills he suggest getting up and taking your worries into the other room.
o Getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper, a new sleep habit.
This is a tip from the famous industrialist Andrew Carnegie.
o Taking Calcium + Magnesium as a sleep remedy - Peter Gilliam helps you pick the Calcium/Magnesium formula that is right for you.
o Stress is a major factor in sleep anxiety.
Take B vitamins to relieve stress.
Lack of B vitamins can cause stress and forgetfulness.
Stress can eat up your B vitamins.
This is one of those catch 22's but this works for handling anxiety.
A little research on B vitamins will give you the information you need for taking the right amount B vitamins.
o Taking Kava-Kava.
Herbal sleep remedies can help you with sleep anxiety.
Alternating Kava-Kava with chamomile tea and meletonin is best.
Never take any sleep aid for a long period of time.
o Getting exercise.
Getting out in the sun and exercise goes a long way to relieving sleeping anxiety.
This is literally taking your worries outside.
o Relaxation sleeping CDs.
Taking the time to relax before you go to sleep is a sure sleeplessness cure.
Music is very calming and soothing.
Now this may look like a long list...
but most of them are so simple to implement.
And when you have long nights filled with sleep anxiety they are worth any extra effort.