< Continued from page 2
More of this Feature
• Getting Online
• Web Editing Tools
• Designing Offline
Designing your site online has got to be the absolute easiest way to create your Web site. You can go to any one of the hosting services that offer online building tools such as Geocities, Tripod, or Freeservers. Then you just sign up and start building.
These hosting services usually will offer you two different online editors for building your site.
Just like the offline page editing programs you will have a choice of an HTML based editor or an easy page creation tool. The HTML editor is just a blank window where you will need to fill in the code yourself. Then you will have the option to save, view, start over, or save and keep editing. When you are finished with your page you can always go back in and change the code and do anything you want with your Web page.
When you use their easy page creation tool you will usually just need to fill in the blanks. You will often get a questionairre asking you for a title, text, links, and an email address. After you put in the information you just click on the finished button and you have a Web page. Some of these only allow you to create one page this way and then you have to do the rest with the advanced editor. Some will not let you change anything on this page after you have created it without doing the whole thing over again from scratch. Sometimes you can go in later and view the code and make changes to your page using the advanced editor.
Creating your first page using the easy page editor and then going back later to edit using the advanced editor is a great way to learn HTML. By doing this you will be able to see how the editor put the code together and try to decifer it. Once you have done that you will have a good idea of the structure of it and be able to do it yourself later.
Next page > Designing Offline
More of this Feature
• Getting Online
• Web Editing Tools
• Designing Offline
Designing your site online has got to be the absolute easiest way to create your Web site. You can go to any one of the hosting services that offer online building tools such as Geocities, Tripod, or Freeservers. Then you just sign up and start building.
These hosting services usually will offer you two different online editors for building your site.
Just like the offline page editing programs you will have a choice of an HTML based editor or an easy page creation tool. The HTML editor is just a blank window where you will need to fill in the code yourself. Then you will have the option to save, view, start over, or save and keep editing. When you are finished with your page you can always go back in and change the code and do anything you want with your Web page.
When you use their easy page creation tool you will usually just need to fill in the blanks. You will often get a questionairre asking you for a title, text, links, and an email address. After you put in the information you just click on the finished button and you have a Web page. Some of these only allow you to create one page this way and then you have to do the rest with the advanced editor. Some will not let you change anything on this page after you have created it without doing the whole thing over again from scratch. Sometimes you can go in later and view the code and make changes to your page using the advanced editor.
Creating your first page using the easy page editor and then going back later to edit using the advanced editor is a great way to learn HTML. By doing this you will be able to see how the editor put the code together and try to decifer it. Once you have done that you will have a good idea of the structure of it and be able to do it yourself later.
Next page > Designing Offline