Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Heart Attack - Would You Recognize Symptoms?

Many people expect a heart attack (myocardial infarction, or M.
) to look and feel like Fred Sanford from the 1972 sitcom Sanford and Son.
Sudden, severe, unexpected chest pain, grabbing the heart and dramatically declaring "Elizabeth, this is the big one, I am on my way to heaven to join you".
But reality rarely imitates Hollywood.
Yes, some heart attacks do follow a similar scenario, but more often than not the first symptoms are less theatrical.
Chest Pain is a symptom of heart attack, but the "pain" may not be what one expects.
"Heaviness, pressure, tightness, squeezing" are all terms used to describe the pain of heart attack.
"I feel like someone is standing on my chest" or "I feel like I am being squeezed in a vice" are both common statements describing heart attack pain.
Since this may not be what some consider or define as "pain", or it may not be what they expect heart pain to feel like, many people ignore this critical symptom until it is too late.
Another important symptom is pain or discomfort in one or both arms, shoulder, the upper back, neck or jaw.
Some people may at first disregard the pain they think is shoulder bursitis, or a toothache, only to find later the pain was due to their heart.
Other symptoms may include shortness of breath, nausea, weakness and light-headed.
Some people break out in a mild, cold sweat similar to a hot flash, others may sweat profusely.
It is very important to remember that a person may have only one of the above symptoms, they may have several symptoms, or rarely a person may have no symptoms at all (this is called a "silent" heart attack).
It is easy to deny cardiac symptoms and blame it on something else, which the symptoms may possibly be.
However it is best to err on the side of safety rather than overlook something which is as important as an evolving heart attack.
Indigestion, being out of shape, even the flu have all been blamed, while critical heart-saving time was wasted by not getting to a hospital soon enough.
The American Heart Association recommends "if you or someone you are with has chest discomfort, especially with one or more of the other signs, don't wait longer than five minutes before calling for help.
Call 9-1-1...
Get to a hospital right away.
" The best time to treat a heart attack is before it happens.
Do you smoke? Are you overweight? Stressed? Learn your risk factors, and take proactive steps to improve your overall health before a major event like a heart attack ever occurs!
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