- Turn a tall stump into a trellis for vining plants such as wisteria, clematis or roses. You will not damage the dead trunk by adding spikes for support of heavy canes. In time, the perennial vines will cover the stump. Turn very tall stumps into supports for hanging containers. Attach spikes or hooks in the stump at various heights to hang plant pockets, baskets and other containers. For shorter stumps, plant coneflowers or daisies around the base and let it be a natural element in the garden. Or hollow out the center and add soil and cascading annual plants.
- Welcome the birds to your garden by turning the stump into a birdbath. Hollow out some of the center of a wide stump to create a basin. Add a few rocks and twigs along the edges for decoration and as perches, and keep the water fresh. For a tall stump, hang birdhouses and feeders from spikes in the stump. You will not need to worry about seeds from the feeders falling out and rooting in this location.
- Sand and smooth the top of a short stump to create a level place to sit and rest while gardening. Between uses, let it hold a decorative watering can to collect rainwater. Or attach a wider circle of Plexiglas on top to create an informal table. Throw a few weatherproof pillows on the ground if chairs are too high, or use as a child's play table. For a temporary decorative idea, throw a pretty tablecloth over the stump and set a decorative child's tea service or a picnic basket on top.
- Use a low stump as a platform to display an assortment of decorative garden accents. Place a sundial on the stump and position it to tell the time while gardening. Set a container of trailing petunias or morning glories on top of the stump. As the plants grow, the plants will appear to be growing out of the tree. Create a fairy garden with the stump as the focal point. Add a fairy door, available online, to the base, and place some decorative fairy statues on top. Plant native wildflowers, sunflowers and herbs around the tree stump to create a natural fairy setting.