- Beautiful pool in the back yardSwimming pool and pool house image by Jim Mills from Fotolia.com
Swimming in a dirty pool isn't just unhygienic, it's unhealthy. Bacteria found in dirty pools may create infections, intestinal problems and other illnesses. Even private pools need regular cleaning, no matter how selectively they are used. Master a few cleaning tips for swimming pool windows, and keep this oft-neglected area of the pool clean and healthy for all swimmers. - Once a year or every few years, it may be necessary to perform some heavy pool cleaning that goes beyond ordinary maintenance. A pressure cleaning treatment is a great way to power-wash swimming pool windows. Do not attempt pressure cleaning yourself. Hire professional window washers with professional equipment if you plan to power-wash windows. Search the local phone book and business directories to find professional pressure cleaning services in your area.
- Mechanized, automatic pool cleaners are a simple way to complete pool maintenance tasks. Suction cleaners will work on pool walls and windows, automatically cleaning dirt and purifying your pool with very little effort on your part. Mechanized pool cleaning devices are found at home improvement and pool retailers of all types.
- Swimming pools have delicate chemical compositions, which makes it dangerous to introduce new elements into the system. Rather than using chemical cleaners to wash swimming pool windows, make a homemade window cleaner that's much more natural. Mix 2 parts water with 1/4 part distilled vinegar. Add a few drops of liquid soap and stir the mixture thoroughly before using it on swimming pool windows.
Pressure Cleaning
Automatic Pool Cleaners
Homemade Window Cleaner