Who Dies From Prostate Cancer?
The outcome of patients with metastatic castration-resistant CaP (CRPC) treated in clinical trials from 2008 to 2011 in two institutions in France (Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, and Institut Jean-Godinot, Reims) was studied in a retrospective pooled analysis. Patients were defined as metastatic if they had radiologically and/or histologically detected regional lymph node metastasis (N+) and/or distant metastasis (M+). A total of 190 patients with metastatic CRPC were identified. After a median follow-up of 6.8 years from initial diagnosis, 113 patients had died of CaP and were assessable for the presence of metastasis at diagnosis (Figure 1).
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Figure 1.
CONSORT diagram of the study.
The characteristics of patients who died from CaP were analyzed. Patient records were accessed through hospital electronic databases. Data collection pertained to demographics, initial PSA values, Gleason score and staging data, risk groups, primary treatment modalities, duration of response to androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT), metastatic sites, docetaxel treatment (duration, best response, clinical benefit, time to progression (TTP)), pre- and post-docetaxel treatment lines, terminal PSA values (last available PSA prior to death) and OS. CRPC was defined as a progressive CaP despite castrate levels of testosterone. Progression was defined according to the PCWG2 criteria. Risk groups for patients with localized disease were defined according to the D'Amico classification. Objective responses were measured according to RECIST criteria. Clinical benefit was defined as a decrease in the use of analgesics and improvement of the performance status. The interval from the diagnosis to the last available follow-up or death was used to calculate OS. Information on the completeness of data is provided in Table 1 and Table 2.
Statistical analysis was carried out using the Prism statistical software, version 6 (GraphPad Software). Descriptive statistical methods were used. OS and TTP post docetaxel were calculated using Kaplan–Meier estimates and compared using a log-rank test.
Materials and Methods
The outcome of patients with metastatic castration-resistant CaP (CRPC) treated in clinical trials from 2008 to 2011 in two institutions in France (Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, and Institut Jean-Godinot, Reims) was studied in a retrospective pooled analysis. Patients were defined as metastatic if they had radiologically and/or histologically detected regional lymph node metastasis (N+) and/or distant metastasis (M+). A total of 190 patients with metastatic CRPC were identified. After a median follow-up of 6.8 years from initial diagnosis, 113 patients had died of CaP and were assessable for the presence of metastasis at diagnosis (Figure 1).
(Enlarge Image)
Figure 1.
CONSORT diagram of the study.
The characteristics of patients who died from CaP were analyzed. Patient records were accessed through hospital electronic databases. Data collection pertained to demographics, initial PSA values, Gleason score and staging data, risk groups, primary treatment modalities, duration of response to androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT), metastatic sites, docetaxel treatment (duration, best response, clinical benefit, time to progression (TTP)), pre- and post-docetaxel treatment lines, terminal PSA values (last available PSA prior to death) and OS. CRPC was defined as a progressive CaP despite castrate levels of testosterone. Progression was defined according to the PCWG2 criteria. Risk groups for patients with localized disease were defined according to the D'Amico classification. Objective responses were measured according to RECIST criteria. Clinical benefit was defined as a decrease in the use of analgesics and improvement of the performance status. The interval from the diagnosis to the last available follow-up or death was used to calculate OS. Information on the completeness of data is provided in Table 1 and Table 2.
Statistical analysis was carried out using the Prism statistical software, version 6 (GraphPad Software). Descriptive statistical methods were used. OS and TTP post docetaxel were calculated using Kaplan–Meier estimates and compared using a log-rank test.